Savannah Users,

> > Unfortunately the mirror redirection for project downloads is broken
> > today.
> This is back online now.  Unfortunately without the mirror
> redirection.  This is okay for a while.  Most importantly files from
> the download areas are available again.

And the redirector is online too.  Everything should be running
normally again now.

> > This must be the result of the back-end storage change I made
> > yesterday however I promise I thought I had run the regression tests
> > after all was done and everything was working at that time.  But it is
> > definitely failing now.  I am debugging the problem now and will get
> > it back online as soon as possible.
> Actually FTR it doesn't seem to be related to the back-end change and
> the regression suite had actually passed!  This simply appears to be
> coincidental breakage.  Of which I am not quite at the root cause yet
> but getting closer.

It turned out to both be related and not related.  I broke one of the
cronjobs when migrating it off the old system to the new.  It was a
very simple one that did nothing but update a timestamp in the
download area.  Broken due to new permission requirements.  Mirrors
mirror everyting including that timestamp file.  Everything worked
initially because the previous copy of that file had a new enough
timestamp in it.  Then as time passed the redirector kept looking at
that static timestamp being freshly mirrored and decided that the
mirrors were too "old" by looking at the time now and deciding they
must be out of sync therefore eventually dropping all of the mirrors
from the mirror list.  Without any mirrors in the list the redirectory
failed to produce a valid URL.

I fixed this so that even without mirrors it will now produce a valid
URL.  I added the local mirror fallback so there will always be a
valid mirror regardless.  I fixed the timestamp user so that it now
has permissions and is updating.  And with that things seem to be
completely back online again.


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