Hi everyone,

I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes here, but especially of you're new to 
CVS, it might be a good idea to learn one of the newer versioning tools 
instead. With git being the dominant species there, and it having "adapters" 
for things like CVS and svn, that's what I would recommend.

CVS is a time-proven system, but I'd respectfully point out that other systems 
made progress in terms of making collaboration and especially handling of 
development branches easier. There's strong incentives I expect students and 
FOSS contributors to the projects I'm involved in to work with git instead of 

Best regards, and happy coding,

On July 30, 2019 5:52:07 AM GMT+02:00, Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:
>Hello Asher,
>Asher Gordon wrote:
>> I recently created a new project using CVS
>> (https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/magic-square) and I
>> imported my entire directory tree including files which should not be
>> imported (i.e. compiled and automatically generated files). I removed
>> these files with "cvs remove", but if I understand correctly,
>> directories cannot be removed with CVS.
>That is correct.  Normally CVS is designed to record history not to
>remove it.
>> These directories (as well as all the unnecessary dead files) are
>> bothering me. Would it be possible to reset the CVS repository to its
>> initial state so I can start over and only import what I need?
>Since this is a new project that has only just recently been uploaded
>I see no reason not to correct things manually.  Normally I would
>suggest either writing to savannah-hackers-public and asking for
>assistence from there or filing a support ticket.  But I am reading
>your message here and can do it.
>> Sorry for the inconvenience! I am still pretty new to CVS and version
>> control systems in general.
>No worries!  We are happy to help. :-)
>> P.S. I know you can use the -P option to prune empty directories, but
>> they are still in the repository and everyone who wanted to check out
>> the repository would have to use -P. The directories are also visible
>> ViewVC.
>It appeared that if I took all of the Attic directories which CVS uses
>to store removed files and removed them from the repository that it
>would accomplish what you wanted without needing to purge and
>re-upload everything.  For safety sake I did the remove by moving
>those Attic directories to a trashcan area.
>Please give your project a clean checkout and see if things are as you
>would like them to be.  If not let us know! :-)

Sent from a device without proper keyboard; please excuse my brevity.

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