Hi Bob,

On Sat, Aug 24, 2019 at 7:25 AM Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:
> Hello Bin,
> > This is really annoying. Please investigate what's wrong with
> > the mailing list service. Thanks!
> You are emailing the Savannah Users mailing list.  I don't know if
> anyone here is going to be able to help you.  Savannah and Savannah
> Users don't have much if anything to do with the mailing lists.

I originally filed a issue on the Savannah website, by following their
instructions on the website.

But it looks nobody is checking that issue. Hence I sent an email to
this mailing list, hoping someone could have a look.

> Please send your request for help to mail...@gnu.org (since this is a
> Mailman thing) or to sysad...@gnu.org (since it is likely a rejection
> on the incoming mail relay system eggs) and ask there.  Those are the
> places where the FSF admins who need to see this hang out.
> Switching roles to the Listhelper anti-spam role I looked and I do not
> see any discarding happening due to the anti-spam that I have control
> over.  I don't see those missing messages appearing at all.  Therefore
> I suspect they are getting rejected by a content filter on eggs and I
> have no access nor any visibility there.

Thank you very much for the suggestions and help here.


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