Yuan Fu wrote:
> Thank you for following up with this. Embarrassingly I still
> couldn’t get it to work.

It's very hard to debug things when you only get to see one end of the
problem.  Because ssh, and other security systems, just can't give you
too much debug information.  Because obviously that gives attackers
too much information too!  :-(

> In the previous message I posted the wrong output so it looks like I
> used the wrong key. I confirmed afterwards that the key I uploaded
> to savannah is in fact tried by ssh. I also used the key on a
> machine on my local network and it seems to work fine. I uploaded
> another key and still no luck. I’m not really sure how to debug
> this.

It will be much easier to have one of us on both ends for the debug.

> I’ve read the debug page, in fact me trying to login with ssh is by
> following the debug instructions. But I don’t know how to proceed from
> here.

Let's arrange a time when both of us can be online at the same time
and can debug it.  Let's take that conversation offlist.  However this
doesn't actually need to be me.  Others can do this too.  I might be
the person who does this type of debugging most often though.

Unfortunately I am going to be busy most of my daylight hours today
away from the keyboard.  But we can work something out.


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