On Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 11:39:52PM -0700, Scott McPeak wrote:
> If possible, I'd like to regain access to the account "smcpeak".  My
> password manager says I last accessed it on 2012-06-06.  I still have what
> should be the password, but it does not work at
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/account/login.php .  I'm pretty sure the email
> for that account is "smcp...@coverity.com", but I no longer have access to
> that, so cannot reset normally.
> Is there a procedure for recovering access in this situation?

The email for that account is correct; you registered neither
SSH keys nor GPG keys, so I have no idea how your identity could be
confirmed; on the other hand, the account isn't member of any group,
and its history amounts to a dozen comments in trackers (the latest
was in 2009), so we could grant you access without any strong proof.

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