> Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2023 23:38:29 +0600
> Cc: savannah-users@gnu.org
> From: Ar Rakin <rakin...@gmail.com>
> Hello Sebastian,
> I'm also unable to access gnu.org. I don't exactly know why this is 
> happening, though I've encountered this type of issues before, with my 
> own domains. But it got fixed automatically after a few days. Hopefully, 
> it will be fixed automatically after some time.
> What I can see:
>    $ host gnu.org
>     ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
>    $ ping gnu.org
>    ping: gnu.org: Temporary failure in name resolution

You will find the information here:


That place is always good to look at when such issues occur.

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