Hello, Bob!

On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 15:55:05 -0600, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Ineiev wrote:
> > Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> > > I would thus like to move the project from SourceForge to Savannah.  May
> > > I take it this would be acceptable and welcomed?

> > Yes; it's nice to see software migrating to more user-respecting
> > forges,

> > https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria-evaluation.html

> +1!  It will be good to see you using Savannah.  We are happy to help
> with the process.


> > > Looking at the Savannah site, there are a couple of things which confuse
> > > me.  I couldn't find a definition of what is meant by "group".  It seems
> > > to mean the name of a project (in my case, "CC Mode") and/or the Linux
> > > file-system group name under which project files will be stored
> > > ("cc-mode").

> > The "project" is a type of group; other group types hosted on Savannah
> > include GNU User Groups, www.gnu.org portions and www.gnu.org translation
> > teams.

> In deep detail there are project types defined in the SQL database and
> there are Unix groups defined in the database that are real Unix
> groups to the system for file access permissions.  Therefore "group"
> in that case means both things.  But you can think of it as the
> classic Unix group and that will be accurate.  Files are stored on
> disk accessible by file group permission.


> > > I would also like to preserve the project's mailing list, if possible.

> +1!  Preserving history is important.

I agree.

> > > I have a copy of posts going back to 2001 on my own machine, I don't
> > > know if it will be possible to extract a more complete copy from
> > > SourceForge.  Do you see any problems, here?  Currently, the main
> > > mailing address for this list is bug-cc-m...@gnu.org, and the gnu server
> > > forwards the mail to the SourceForge address.  I foresee this address
> > > remaining the main address for the list, relocated back to Savannah.

> > I think you can use your old mailing list or migrate to lists.gnu.org.

> I presume without looking that the old mailing list was hosted on
> SourceForge.

Indeed, so.  It is still there.

> And from past experience there I know they don't make accessing the
> files there easy.

That doesn't sound very good.  :-(  I've asked their support for a copy
of the mailing list in, say, mbox format.  That was two days ago and I
haven't had a reply from them, as yet.  I do hope they reply, one way or
the other.

> In which case it would be easier to use your archive of the mailing
> list.  Off the top of my head I don't know the recipe to do the
> mailing list archive import but I generally know and would work it out
> when the time comes to do it.


> > > What about old releases?  How much point is there, trying to preserve
> > > these?  SourceForge still has releases going back around 20 years, to
> > > release 5.26.  Current (three years old) is 5.35.  They do not take up
> > > much space (around 700 kByte each).  The older releases must be presumed
> > > lost.

> > You'll be able to upload them to Savannah download area.

> +1

OK.  Things are progressing.  Maybe we'll have the "new" project up and
running by this time next week.

> Bob

Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).

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