On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 09:02:57PM +0100, Dora Scilipoti wrote:
> until not long ago, members of the audio-video group were able to upload
> files to that server as follows:
> $ rsync -tvz --progress FILE usern...@dl.sv.gnu.org:/srv/audio-video/video/
> The options -tvz don't seem to work anymore. What works for me now is
> -tvr.
> Is anyone here aware of what has caused this?

Before 2023-11, the server accepted virtually any rsync options;
that allowed users to get sensitive data from the server, so we
introduced a limit on the set of permitted options.

> What should we do in order to keep informed about changes like this that
> affect our capacity to use the server?

The server informs the user about the available options whenever
it sees any command that doesn't fit them.

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