Le Monday 24 March 2008 18:51:02 Andy, vous avez écrit :
> Hi all,

        Hi theneb !

> I've just added a script repository page to the site
> http://savonet.sourceforge.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=LiqRepository
> As at present I found there were examples/code snippets all over the
> place, so thought if everyone who contributes example scripts can put
> them in one place it'll be easier to refer to them, and to find for new
> users.
> I've started the ball rolling by adding my own Hospital radio station
> script in there.

Thanks for the initiative. 
However, we plan to switch from the wiki to a generated static web site for 
next release. 

Most of the code is already usable, in liquidsoap/doc/html and website/ in svn 
To generate the html, you'll need pubtal, available at least in debian.

One of the good thing with the new system is that it will allow to extract all 
code snipets from the documentation, and put them in a separate index.
Then we shall be able to test each snipet syntax, and avoid rereading the 
whole documentation each time we change the API.

Then, external contributions should be moved to the trac wiki, and moved to 
static doc when found important..

I'll document how to contribute to the new doc very soon..

son, daddy left you were from you were four
I've got to struggle 'cos I am poor
she said, food is a very hard thing to find
sometime I feel like I'm going out of my mind

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