Bill Upp wrote:
 > When I write a script I save it as "name.liq" and do a "chmod  u+x".
 > When I save it, where does it need to be saved?
 > Does it need to be in the same directory as the liquidsoap executable?

Anywhere is fine. The only time there is a necessity is if you want your 
script to be automatically started by /etc/init.d/liquidsoap, it should 
be in sysconfdir (/etc usually, sometimes /usr/local/etc too). But for 
you at this point, anywhere is good.

 > When I am trying to run a script, I am issuing the command 
"liquidsoap -v name.liq"  Is this the correct syntax?

That is correct syntax. If "name.liq" refers to a file in the directory 
from which you issue the command. If it's somewhere else you can also 
type "liquidsoap ../name.liq" or "liquidsoap ~/my/name.liq", etc.

 > Finally, the examples on the website for scripts show
 > "myplaylist = playlist("~/radio/music.m3u")" with the tilde.
 > I am also assuming that my .m3u (or .pls, etc) can be anywhere
 > on my computer, as long as I give the correct path to that file, correct?


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