
I am from Russia. Apologize for my english, he is far from perfect, but i try.

I have written small program for liquidsoap. She solves following tasks:
 - play two playlists depending on time of the day
 - inserts jingle through each two track
 - adds one special jingle at the beginning of each hour
 - switch to a live show as soon as one is available

 Files of playlists is local, I have placed them in directory 
 There is code of file new-radio.liq:

%include "config.liq"
day     = playlist.safe(mode = "normal", reload = 50, reload_mode = "seconds", 
night   = playlist.safe(mode = "normal", reload = 50, reload_mode = "seconds", 
jingles = playlist("/home/syfer/radio/playlists/jingles.m3u")
clock   = single("/home/syfer/radio/jingles/BEN SHERMAN.mp3")

radio = fallback([switch([({ 6h-22h }, day), ({ 22h-6h }, night)]), default])
radio = random(weights=[1,2],[ jingles, radio ])
radio = add([radio, switch([({0m0s},clock)])])

full = fallback(track_sensitive=false, 
[input.http("http://xx.xxx.xx.xxx:8000/live.m3u";), radio])

output.icecast.mp3(host = syshost, port = sysport, password = syspass, mount = 
"MyNewRadio", genre = "Just Music", description = "MyRadiostation", full)

On beginning all work well. After 25 - 30 minutes liquidsoap uses 100% of the 
CPU and I get much messages of the following contents:

2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play1.mp3"!
2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play3.mp3"!
2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play7.mp3"!
2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play4.mp3"!
2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play3.mp3"!
2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play1.mp3"!
2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play5.mp3"!
2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play4.mp3"!
2008/06/17 19:20:37 [decoder:3] Unable to decode "file_play7.mp3"!

After this liquidsoap is destroyed.

Such problem appeared here 
I suppose, decision of this problem here 
I don`t understand how works add_protocol()

Please help me, probably, there is already ready decision. Explain please in 
detail, how solve this problem? In case of my example. I have little 

Other way?

Thanks in advance.

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