Hi all !

Le Sunday 07 December 2008 11:10:53 David Baelde, vous avez écrit :
> Romain has recently reworked completely the whole ogg decoding, in
> particular to add video support without copy/pasting everything, so
> it's not a surprise that it doesn't behave exactly has before.
> Actually, at some point it wasn't reading vorbis files anymore :) It
> is likely that edcast and ices don't form ogg/vorbis streams in the
> same way. Maybe edcast forms an invalid one (then we might have to be
> more sloppy when decoding), maybe (would be preferable) it's valid and
> we don't support it.

That's exactly the answer I wanted to write :)

> I think Romain would ask for a dump: try using harbor and edcast,
> there's a dump option. Then you put it somewhere and refer to it in a
> new ticket. Anyway, I'll let Romain handle you now, when he has time.

Yes, I'll try to look at this next week. I'm suspecting a track change in the 
ogg/vorbis sent data. Most source encoders won't send new tracks, so that's 
probably this.


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