Hi to all,

I'm doing something wrong here, I just copy paste the example from toots 
blog on rastageeks to stream a theora video.

# Log to stdout
# Disable real-time processing, to process with the maximun speed
# Enable video

# The video source using a static image
s = video.image(width=240,height=240,x=40,"/test.ppm")
# The audio song.
audio = single("/test.mp3")
# The special metadata function, that
# also triggers the shutdown..
def end_meta(_) =
  shutdown ()
# This is the blank source
bl = map_metadata(insert_missing=true,update=false,end_meta,blank())
# And the final source: the sequence song and blank added
# with the video of the static image..
final = add([sequence([audio,bl]),s])
# output to a icecast server
output.icecast.theora(port=8000, password="passwd", host="icecast", 
mount="test.ogv", name="test.ogv", protocol="http", 
genre="Experimental,Eclectic,Free pirate radio", description="Online 
since 1997", public=true, final)

but i get:

notification: This doesn't look like a Speex file
notification: This doesn't look like a Speex file
2009/03/10 14:23:56 [rcyb1(dot)ogv:2] Shout socket error: timeout, 
network failure, server shutdown? Restarting the output in 3 seconds.

what am I doing wrong?

thanks in advance

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