Understood that we can't use /mount parameter as login.
I tried to use password as login/password in same place, divided by ":"
symbol, but this also doesn't work :(
I mean if user will define "login:password" in his streamer, we would be
able to find user by login & by password.
I can see data (login) before ":" symbol, but everything after it is
dropped (i can't get password).

Is there a way to retrieve as login, as password in one field? We can't
uderstand who connects to harbour just using password (two users can have
same passwords)

2013/2/6 Alexander <truenr...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> After i've added id="harbor" parameter is started to work (it prints
> user,password and lets me to stream).
> But strange thing:
> 1) It does not allow me to login with different login (i can login only
> with /test, as defined in harbour.live)
>    Is it possible to allow users to enter their login to mount name field
> in streamers?
> 2) It always prints "source" for "user" parameter in userauth function.
>    Is it possible to get there user login (that he has defined in "/mount"
> field in streamer)?
> def userauth(user,password) =
>>     print(user)     # Always prints "source"
>>     print(password) # Prints correct password i've specified in EdCast
>>     true
>> end
>> live = input.harbor(id="harbor", auth=userauth, port=8080, "test")
> 2013/2/6 Alexander <truenr...@gmail.com>
>> Hello,
>> i've used following fantastic auth script to try to login to my harbour
>> with custom login & password (that are inside of php file):
>> def userauth(user,password) =
>>>   ret = get_process_lines("/home/test/scripts/harbour/phpauth.php
>>> --user='#{user}' --password='#{password}'")
>>>   ret = list.hd(ret)
>>>   if ret == "true" then
>>>     true
>>>   else
>>>     false
>>>   end
>>> end
>> But it didn't work for me. Then i've changed this method to
>> def userauth(user,password) =
>>>   print(user)
>>>   print(password)
>>>   true
>>> end
>> Also, it does not print anything and does not let me broadcast on harbour.
>> Perhaps i'm doing smth wrong?
>> I am spcifying this parameter in input.harbour method following way:
>> live = input.harbor("test-harbor", auth=userauth, port=8080)
>> P.S. Full .liq config is below:
>> #!/usr/bin/liquidsoap
>>> set("log.file.path","/home/test/scripts/harbour/script.log")
>>> set("log.stdout", true)
>>> set("server.telnet", true)
>>> set("harbor.bind_addr","")
>>> # Custom user authentication command
>>> def userauth(user,password) =
>>>   ret = get_process_lines("/home/test/scripts/harbour/phpauth.php
>>> --user='#{user}' --password='#{password}'")
>>>   ret = list.hd(ret)
>>>   if ret == "true" then
>>>     true
>>>   else
>>>     false
>>>   end
>>> end
>>> # Security track
>>> security = single("/home/test/data/security.mp3")
>>> # Live
>>> live = input.harbor("test-harbor", auth=userauth, port=8080)
>>> # Prepare radio source
>>> radio = fallback(track_sensitive=false, [live,security])
>>> # Output mp3
>>> output.icecast(%mp3,
>>>   host="localhost",port=80,password="hackme",
>>>   mount="test-1",radio)
>>> # Output vorbis
>>> output.icecast(%vorbis,
>>>   host="localhost",port=80,password="hackme",
>>>   mount="test-2",radio)
>> --
>> Kind regards,
>> Alexander.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Alexander.

Kind regards,
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