On 02/06/2013 12:47 PM, Samuel Mimram wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> Right now we are in "freeze" period in order to fix the last bugs
> before releasing, but nothing prevents us from starting a branch for
> next version :) Multichannel is definitely doable and Liq already
> supports more than two channels, so it's just a matter of plugging
> things right. However, I'd like some more details about how you plan
> to use it in order to think of a right design for multichannel. What
> kind of application do you have in mind? Do you plan to mux stereo
> streams together or have mutichannel files all the way long? Do you
> have an idea about how you would like to specify mapping of channels?

ok so i guess my needs are quite specific, but i bet a subsection of 
people working with multichannel streams will be sound/media artists who 
would work in similar way:

<! -- the next few paragraphs can be skipped
the specific project i am trying to reimplement in liquidsoap streams 
all the classical music radiostations from euro simultaneously and mixes 
them down to a stereo pair, or in the case of a  sound installation 
version to 8 or more speakers.
i do this now using python to script together a whole bunch of mplayer 
instances into ecasound then to jack then to liquidsoap
using a modified input.mplayer i can now get the streams into liquidsoap 
which makes things alot easier... but if i could assign these streams to 
8 channels for example that would mean that in the installation i dont 
need to have a running instance of the scripts but can simply point 
mplayer to a the multichannel stream and output them to a multichannel 
sound card.

not sure how to map the stereo into the 8channel array in this context 
so lets just thing about mono streams for now

excuse makeyupy psudo code syntax:

inputa = opus_channel(sine(40),0)
inputb = opus_channel(sine(140),1)
inputc = opus_channel(sine(240),2)
inputd = opus_channel(sine(340),3)
inpute = opus_channel(sine(440),4)
inputf = opus_channel(sine(540),5)
inputg = opus_channel(sine(640),6)
inputh = opus_channel(sine(740),7)

i guess you could also have a width parameter or something that 
determines how much bleed there will be to the left and right of the 
target channel, with 0 being only from that channel and 1 being coming 
from all channels

inputa = opus_channel(sine(40),0,0) = only from speaker one
inputa = opus_channel(sine(40),0,1) = from all speakers

maybe another parameter for how much of the signal goes to a .1 sub channel
but this could be done manually easily enough without a specific summing 

there are plenty of spatialisation things to look at for ideas in csound 
and supercollider for example but, ok so there are people way more 
qualified than me to talk about surround mapping algorithms for sure
:) personally i only ever really used vector based amplitude panning in 


but a simple mono signal -> discrete channel mapping possibility would 
be great for starters - then on the client end they can be dealt with as 

my 2c


> Cheers,
> Samuel.
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Rob Canning <r...@spc.org> wrote:
>> i am very proud :)
>> last night i built a new ubuntu 12.10 vserver and pulled down latest
>> liquidsoap sources from git and compiled it with all plugins enabled -
>> blow by blow account to those unfortunate enough to lurk in #savonet -
>> next i had to compile an icecast 2.4-beta streaming server
>> and now i have it! an opus stream
>> very exciting sine() :)
>> http://stream.kiben.net:8800/opus.ogg
>> ok what i would really really *really* love would be multichannel
>> encoding support from liquidsoap :)
>> i know i shouldnt be greedy but... is it on the roadmap at all?
>> is there anything i can do to help this along?
>> rob
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