I've added logging of the process' exit status, signal/code, etc. so that 
should help. `stderr` is already redirected to the logs but on level `5` only.

As for the differences, I'm not sure. Most of this code was entirely reworked a 
couple of years ago to use a common codebase. The difficulty with handling 
external processes is that the unix standard doesn't give many significant ways 
to properly close a process. The only way to do so without risking to loose 
data is to close `stdin` and read `std{out,err}` until reaching the end of 
stream (which, itself, only manifests when a `read` call returns `0` bytes -- 
and those calls can be blocking).

This is made even more complicated by the fact that, in order to insert 
metadata at the right point, when metadata come through the incoming stream, we 
have to:
- Close the process's `stdin`
- Read all remaining data from `stdout`
- Insert metadata
- Restart process

That makes the whole system even more prone to getting stuck waiting for the 
process to close. 

This my suggestion to simply ditch metadata and also merge all tracks if you 
don't care about that part. This way, there should ever be only one single 
`pipe`d process and not such trouble.

Hope that makes sense.

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