I'm back on sox for testing... If I only use output.external, it lasted for 
more than 4 hours which was a first... so I added pipe_metadata from 
 but it failed after 10+ hours...

Code was:
s = smart_crossfade(playlist("test.m3u"))
s = mksafe(amplify(1.0, s))

pipe_file = "test.pipe"

pipe_input = pipe_metadata("test.pipe", s)

ps = output.external(id='pipeout', %wav, "sox -t raw -b 16 -c 2 -r 44.1k -e 
unsigned - -t wav #{pipe_file} flanger 2>/tmp/stderr", fst(pipe_input))

output.icecast(%mp3.vbr(quality=0), mount="test_pipe", snd(pipe_input))


Backtrace once attached is here:

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