Hello Romain,

Ok, send me the instructions to update to 1.3.3 then!

De: Romain Beauxis <romain.beau...@gmail.com>
Enviado: quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2018 15:03
Para: savonet-users
Assunto: Re: [Savonet-users] Metadata update function stops

Hi Bruno,

Your script looks good and the logs seem to indicate a clear bug in the 
software. However, 1.1.1 is a rather old version. Would you be able to test it 
with version 1.3.3? I'm happy to provide instructions on how to update 


Le jeu. 6 sept. 2018 à 11:50, Bruno Lima 
<bruno_nl...@hotmail.com<mailto:bruno_nl...@hotmail.com>> a écrit :
Hello, I need to get title and artist metadata from MySQL table and update it 
on stream every 5 seconds.

I wrote a script that did this based on earlier responses here but for some 
reason the "update_meta()" function that should be executed every 5 seconds is 
only being execute twice and then stops.

Seems to be a problem somewhere.. Any help is apreciated. The script is as 

set("log.level", 4)

s = input.jack()

# Create a function to insert metadata
ms = insert_metadata(s)
# The function to insert metadata
imeta = fst(ms)
# The source with inserted metadata
s = snd(ms)

# Function that updates metadata
def update_meta() =
  # Gets title from MySQL table and stores in variable
  new_title = list.hd(
    "mysql my_db -u root -phackme -se \"SELECT CAST(CONVERT(Title USING utf8) 
AS binary) FROM song WHERE id='1'\""
  # Gets artist from MySQL table and stores in variable
  new_artist = list.hd(
    "mysql my_db -u root -phackme -se \"SELECT CAST(CONVERT(Artist USING utf8) 
AS binary) FROM song WHERE id='1'\""
  #A debug message
  print("Insert metadata title = #{new_title}")
  print("Insert metadata artist = #{new_artist}")
  # Insert the metadata

# Schedule the insert metadata process every 5.0 seconds

# MountPoint = st1.opus\group=transmitter

# MountPoint = aovivo.opus

# MountPoint = aovivo.mp3

# MountPoint = stream

# MountPoint = transmitter.mp3

As you can see I put a debug message to be printed when the update_meta 
function is executed and the message appears only twice when executing the 
script.. The log is as follows:

2018/09/06 13:44:44 >>> LOG START
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [protocols.external:3] Found 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.1.1+scm 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:3] Using: pcre=6.2.3 dtools=0.3.1 duppy=0.5.1 
duppy.syntax=0.5.1 cry=0.3.0 mm=0.3.0 xmlplaylist=0.1.3 ogg=0.5.0 opus=0.1.1 
speex=0.2.1 mad=0.4.4 flac=0.1.2 flac.ogg=0.1.2 dynlink=[distributed with 
Ocaml] lame=0.3.2 aacplus=0.2.1 voaacenc=0.1.0 fdkaac=0.2.0 theora=0.3.1 
schroedinger=0.1.1 bjack=0.1.4 alsa=0.2.1 ao=0.2.0 samplerate=0.1.2 
taglib=0.3.1 magic=0.7.3 camomile=0.8.3 faad=0.3.3 portaudio=0.2.0 
pulseaudio=0.1.2 ladspa=0.1.4 dssi=0.1.1 lo=0.1.0
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2]
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] DISCLAIMER: This version of Liquidsoap has been
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] compiled from a snapshot of the development code.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] As such, it should not be used in production
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] unless you know what you are doing!
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2]
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] We are, however, very interested in any feedback
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] about our development code and committed to fix
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] issues as soon as possible.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2]
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] If you are interested in collaborating to
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] the development of Liquidsoap, feel free to
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] drop us a mail at 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] or to join the #savonet IRC channel on Freenode.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2]
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] Please send any bug report or feature request
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] at <https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap/issues>.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2]
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2] We hope you enjoy this snapshot build of 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [main:2]
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [frame:3] Using 48000Hz audio, 25Hz video, 48000Hz master.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1920 ticks = 
1920 audio samples = 1 video samples.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [frame:3] Targetting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1920 audio 
samples = 1920 ticks.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1920 audio samples = 1 video 
samples = 1920 ticks.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [video.converter:4] Couldn't find preferred video 
converter: gavl.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [audio.converter:4] Using preferred samplerate converter: 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #1".
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [threads:3] Thread "generic queue #1" terminated.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #2".
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [threads:3] Thread "generic queue #2" terminated.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [clock:4] Currently 1 clocks allocated.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [clock.wallclock_bjack:4] Starting 3 sources...
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [source:4] Source input.jack_5617 gets up.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [input.jack_5617:4] Content kind is 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [clock.wallclock_bjack:4] Delegating clock to active 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [input.jack_5617:4] Activations changed: 
static=[input.jack_5617], dynamic=[].
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [input.jack_5617:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [source:4] Source output.icecast_5630 gets up.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [source:4] Source insert_metadata_5622 gets up.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [insert_metadata_5622:4] Content kind is 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [input.jack_5617:4] Activations changed: 
static=[insert_metadata_5622:aovivo(dot)opus:aovivo(dot)opus, input.jack_5617], 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [insert_metadata_5622:4] Activations changed: 
static=[aovivo(dot)opus:aovivo(dot)opus], dynamic=[].
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [aovivo(dot)opus:4] Activations changed: 
static=[aovivo(dot)opus], dynamic=[].
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [aovivo(dot)opus:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [source:4] Source output.icecast_5631 gets up.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [insert_metadata_5622:4] Activations changed: 
static=[aovivo(dot)mp3:aovivo(dot)mp3, aovivo(dot)opus:aovivo(dot)opus], 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [insert_metadata_5622:4] Enabling caching mode: two static 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [aovivo(dot)mp3:4] Activations changed: 
static=[aovivo(dot)mp3], dynamic=[].
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [aovivo(dot)mp3:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [threads:3] Created thread "input.jack_5617" (1 total).
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [aovivo(dot)opus:3] Connecting mount aovivo.opus for 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [aovivo(dot)opus:3] Connection setup was successful.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [aovivo(dot)mp3:3] Connecting mount aovivo.mp3 for 
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [aovivo(dot)mp3:3] Connection setup was successful.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [threads:3] Created thread "wallclock_bjack" (2 total).
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [clock:4] Main phase starts.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [clock.wallclock_bjack:3] Streaming loop starts, 
synchronized by active sources.
2018/09/06 13:44:44 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Starting all streams
Insert metadata title = xxxxxx
Insert metadata artist = yyyyyy
Thread 1 killed on uncaught exception Invalid_argument("equal: abstract value")
Called from file "list.ml<http://list.ml>", line 175, characters 17-20
Called from file "thread.ml<http://thread.ml>", line 39, characters 8-14
2018/09/06 13:44:49 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Setting end of track 
2018/09/06 13:44:49 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Every ogg logical tracks 
have ended: setting end of stream.
2018/09/06 13:44:49 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Starting new sequentialized 
ogg stream.
2018/09/06 13:44:49 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Starting all streams
Insert metadata title = xxxxxx
Insert metadata artist = yyyyyy
2018/09/06 13:44:54 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Setting end of track 
2018/09/06 13:44:54 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Every ogg logical tracks 
have ended: setting end of stream.
2018/09/06 13:44:54 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Starting new sequentialized 
ogg stream.
2018/09/06 13:44:54 [ogg.muxer:4] aovivo(dot)opus: Starting all streams

Then nothing else is printed to log and stream continues to play normally but 
the update_meta function never gets executed again

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