**Describe the bug**
Hi, We're using liquidsoap with Centova Cast. It was installed with their auto 
installer. Liquid soap forms part of their 'auto dj' system. I keep finding 
streams where liquid soap process is running, but there is no audio, no source 
connected and logging has simply stopped abruptly i.e there is no obvious 
error, and no pattern to where the logging is stopping. It can happen once or 
twice w day, or sometimes it may be days or weeks between restarting the 
process and it stopping again.

**To Reproduce**
I'm not sure whats causing it, but it is only affecting a small number of 
stations, its unclear if there is anything common between the affected streams. 
All but 1 is SC2, one other was Icecast2. The issue is resolved temporarily by 
restarting liquidsoap.

**Expected behavior**
No sudden stoppage of liquid soap.

**Version details**
 - OS; CentOS 7
 - Version 1.3.3

**Install method**
Centova Cast. I'm not sure how they build. Its not OPAM though - they say they 
are unable to do this due to licence issues?

Centova have said a few users have reported the issue to them and the fix is to 
rebuild using OPAM. They said they can't deploy the update via OPAM due to a 
licence issue and seem unwilling to help.

The main reason I've not attempted to install via OPAM my self is because I'm 
unsure if a 'standard' install of liquid soap will work or what extra 
packages/options need to be specified during install, and they aren't being so 
responsive at helping.

Is this an issue you are aware of? Is it resolved in 1.3.4? Any other 


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