Thanks Nick,

Not sure I get what you mean though?


On Sat, 23 Mar 2019 at 22:40, Nicholas Vrtis <> wrote:

> Don't have the code with me.. but I do something similar. I use the
> annotate: protocol when SOAP asks for the file name, and pass along the SQL
> row ID from the db. That puts it in the meta.
> Nick
> On Saturday, March 23, 2019, Ian Bonham <> wrote:
>> Good afternoon all,
>> I wonder if anyone could offer some advice please?
>> I'm building a recipe for 'Soap and it's working rather well. However I
>> would like to know if there is a way to grab the currently playing file
>> name as it begins?
>> Basically I have a MariaDB with all my tracks in, and I want to use a
>> system call from my .liq script to push a mysql update via bash to update
>> the database with the "Last Played" datetime.
>> I am trying :
>> *#!/usr/bin/liquidsoap -v*
>> *def process_metadata(metadata)*
>> *    file_name = ""*
>> *    file_name = metadata["filename"]*
>> *#    [("file_name","#{file_name}")]*
>> *end*
>> and then am using :
>> *stream = on_track(process_metadata, stream)*
>> *cmd = "mysql -u suffolksoundadmin -phackme -e \"UPDATE
>> \`Music\`.\`Tracks\` SET \`playcount\` = \`playcount\` +1, \`lastplay\` =
>> NOW() WHERE \`Music\`.\`Tracks\`.\`filename\` = '#{file_name}';\""*
>> *system(cmd)*
>> I just can't get the thing to work though. When I try to call the script,
>> it bombs out with:
>> *At line 40, char 7-198: the variable filename used here has not been*
>> *  previously defined.*
>> If anyone could offer some guidance I'd be really grateful.
>> Many Thanks,
>> Ian
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Kindest Regards,

Ian Bonham

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