> but before testing this script this recent commit breaks my already working 
> script
> My script which worked previously
> ```
> url = "http://path to m3u8")
> video_source = mksafe(gstreamer.hls(url))
> audio_only = drop_video(video_source)
> s = fallback(track_sensitive=false, [audio_only])
> output.icecast(s)
> ```
it works if change to `video_source = mksafe(gstreamer.hls({url}))` is this 
expected behavior?.

When testing the following script 

url = ref "initial url"
def on_error(e) =
  print("got an error: #{e}\n\n\n\n")
  url := "new url....";

s = gstreamer.hls(on_error=on_error,{!url})

I get the this error

At line 22, char 38:
  this value has type
    (_)->_ (inferred at line 12 char 18 - line 16 char 4)
  but it should be a subtype of (the type of the value at 
/home/radio/.opam/default/lib/liquidsoap/lib/liquidsoap/scm/gstreamer.liq, line 
29, char 26)
    ()->float (inferred at 
/home/radio/.opam/default/lib/liquidsoap/lib/liquidsoap/scm/gstreamer.liq, line 
29, char 35-38)

but the stream started without any issue when I change 
`s = gstreamer.hls(on_error={3.},{!url})`
Is this the right approach? will this change the pipeline after 3 retries 

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