Hi all! I wanted to remind y'all that we now have a slack channel. You can join by following this link:
https://join.slack.com/t/liquidsoapworkspace/shared_invite/enQtNjQyODQ1Mzg3NzY2LWMwYTYxZDVkMjNkMjQ4NzMzMTEzNDhkZmEyODEyMmYzZjc4ZWI2NzBlYWY4MDlmNzM5NGY5ZjAyZmY3OGI0ZGY Our idea at the moment is to direct most of the development related traffic, issues notifications and etc. to this channel. For this reason, I have removed the list's subscriptions to our github issues. However, some of the issues also deal with user requests so this will be missing as well. What do y'all think? Would you rather have more traffic on the mailing list but also get all the user-related information or less traffic and focus on the slack channel? Let us know! Romain
_______________________________________________ Savonet-users mailing list Savonet-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/savonet-users