
You need to install `opam` and `dune` to be able to run the top-level
`liquidsoap-full` configure.

However, this is not the recommended way to install liquidsoap these days.
We recommend using `opam` directly. Have you tried this method? It is
documented here:

Le ven. 11 nov. 2022 à 05:13, <pdelbruy...@outlook.com> a écrit :

> Hello
> On MAC OSx 10.15.7, I try to last version of Liquidsoap using the
> following method :
> git clone https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap-full.git liquidsoap
> cd liquidsoap
> make init
> ./bootstrap
> ./configure
> When executing the "./bootstrap" command, I get :
> Liquidsoap directory seems empty. I assume that submodules were not
> downloaded. Hold on, I'm doing it for you!
> git fetch
> git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
> Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
> git submodule init
> git submodule update
> I don't understand why I get "directories seems empty" because I can see
> the directories and these are not empty.
> When executing the "./configure" script, I get following messages - "no
> such file or directory" but I can see all the directories in the current
> location.
> test@MBP-de-MACBOOK liquidsoap % ./configure
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | This configure file is provided in order for you to be able to build
>     |
> | liquidsoap without having to install all the dependencies.
>     |
> | If you want to use the libraries, use the configure of the
> subdirectories.  |
> | This script will build liquidsoap with features indicated in PACKAGES.
>     |
> | Edit it or build manually if you need something more specific.
>     |
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> You don't seem to have bootstraped yet. I'm doing it for you.
> Liquidsoap directory seems empty. I assume that submodules were not
> downloaded. Hold on, I'm doing it for you!
> git fetch
> git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
> Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.
> git submodule init
> git submodule update
> ****** Configuring ocaml-cry
> ./configure: line 55: dune: command not found
> current options:
> ****** Configuring ocaml-dtools
> ./configure: line 51: cd: ocaml-dtools: No such file or directory
> ./configure: line 58: cd: ocaml-dtools: No such file or directory
> current options:  --with-dtools-dir=/src
> when I do a "LS", I can see all the directories :
> test@MBP-de-MACBOOK liquidsoap % ls
> INSTALL docker ocaml-fdkaac ocaml-mad ocaml-soundtouch
> LICENSE liquidsoap ocaml-ffmpeg ocaml-mem_usage ocaml-speex
> Makefile ocaml-alsa ocaml-flac ocaml-metadata ocaml-srt
> Makefile.git ocaml-ao ocaml-frei0r ocaml-mm ocaml-taglib
> PACKAGES ocaml-bjack ocaml-gstreamer ocaml-ogg ocaml-theora
> PACKAGES.default ocaml-cry ocaml-ladspa ocaml-opus ocaml-vorbis
> PACKAGES.minimal ocaml-dssi ocaml-lame ocaml-portaudio ocaml-xmlplaylist
> README.md ocaml-dtools ocaml-lastfm ocaml-pulseaudio website
> bootstrap ocaml-duppy ocaml-lilv ocaml-samplerate
> configure ocaml-faad ocaml-lo ocaml-shine
> What am I doing wrong ?
>  Thank you
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