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Dear All, 


Since our east Bali raptor migration study was published in Forktail 21 and 22, 
we carried out extensive additional fieldwork in Indonesia. In 2006, the spring 
and autumn seasons were again monitored in east Bali, confirming the previous 
results and adding important new information, particularly on the spring 
movements from Wallacea to western Indonesia. This was the first spring 
full-season count ever made in the Indonesian section of the East Asian 
Continental Flyway.


During 2007 a new research project, supported by Natural Research Ltd. (UK) and 
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (USA), was carried out in the remote island of Sangihe, 
North Sulawesi ( Our team 
worked two full-seasons in spring and autumn 2007, totalling over four months 
of field effort. We recorded more than 230,000 migratory raptors on passage 
over the island during a single season, revealing a large and heretofore 
unrecognised movement from the East Asian Oceanic Flyway into eastern 
Indonesia. We estimate that at least 400,000 migratory raptors are flowing into 
Wallacea each autumn from the Continental and Oceanic Flyways combined.


The species observed on migration across the Wallace Line were Osprey Pandion 
haliaetus, Oriental-honey Buzzard Pernis ptilorhynchus, Grey-faced Buzzard 
Butastur indicus, Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis, Japanese Sparrowhawk 
Accipiter gularis, Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus, Harriers Circus sp., and 
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus calidus.


Detailed regional weather analysis is underway to determine relationships with 
migration timing and magnitude in our two study areas, and two papers are in 
preparation with the full results of Bali 2006 (spring and autumn) and Sangihe 
2007 (spring and autumn). 


Merry Christmas to you all.


Francesco Germi


46 (2F2) Elm Row

Edinburgh EH7 4AH

United Kingdom


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