I'm wondering whether role-based credentials, vs. individual user
credentials, might not make more sense here. Could the database owner
key be issued to a role vs. an individual identity? In this way, your
human users could be associated with a role that has a right to issue a
query to the database via the middleware, but only the middleware would
be associated with the role that had access to the key that could
decrypt the data that satisfies the user's query. This does not,
however, solve the problem of ensuring that the data remain secure once
they are decrypted. You don't mention the assurance level of the
encryption used in the database - i.e., does it exceed the strength of
SSL or TLS with encryption based on AES and Class 3 X.509 certificates?

Some interesting work doing on at INRIA in France that may be relevant:


Also, some combination of the capabilities provided by nCipher may be of

   www. ncipher.com

Karen Mercedes Goertzel, CISSP
Booz Allen Hamilton

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