On 27 Mar 2006, at 11:02, Jeff Williams wrote:

I am not a Java expert, but I think that the Java Verifier is NOT used on
Apps that >are executed with the Security Manager disabled (which I believe is the default >setting) or are loaded from a local disk (see "... applets loaded via the file system >are not passed through the byte code verifier"
in http://java.sun.com/sfaq/)

I believe that as of Java 1.2, all Java code except the core libraries must
go through the verifier, unless it is specifically disabled (java

I had the same intuition about the verifier, but have just tested this and it is not the case. It seems that the -noverify is the default setting! If you want to verify classes loaded from the local filesystem, then you need to explicitly add -verify to the cmd line. I tested this by compiling 2 classes where one accesses a public member of the other. Then recompiled the other and changed the method access to private. Tested on:
Jdk 1.4.2 Mac OS X
Jdk 1.5.0 Mac OS X
Jdk 1.5.0 Win XP

all behave the same.

[~/data/dev/applettest/src]java -cp . FullApp
Noone can access me!!
[~/data/dev/applettest/src]java -cp . -verify FullApp
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field MyData.secret from class FullApp at FullApp.main (FullApp.java:23)

Using the same code with an Applet loaded from the filesystem throws an IllegalAccessError exception as it should.

Stephen de Vries
Corsaire Ltd
Tel:    +44 1483 226014
Fax:    +44 1483 226068
Web:    http://www.corsaire.com

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