Here's an interesting article from Dark Reading about web fuzzers. Web fuzzing seems to be gaining some traction these days as a popular means of testing web apps and web services. doc_id=118162&f_src=darkreading_section_296

Any good/bad experiences and opinions to be shared here on SC-L regarding fuzzing as a means of testing web apps/services? I have to say I'm unconvinced, but agree that they should be one part--and a small one at that--of a robust testing regimen.



P.S. I'm over in Belgium right now for SecAppDev (http:// HD Moore wowed the class here with a demo of Metasploit 3.0. For those of you that haven't looked at this (soon to be released, but available in beta now) tool, you really should check it out. Although it's geared at the IT Security pen testing audience, I do believe that it has broader applicability as a framework for constructing one-off exploits against applications.
Kenneth R. van Wyk
SC-L Moderator
KRvW Associates, LLC

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