Arian J. Evans<> wrote:

> I realized I tend to think of SCL as a small list of 30 people from
> 2003 who are are all about 2 degrees of Kevin Bacon away from
> each other.

Sometimes more so than we know!  I've been here for almost six years
now, and until May, I had no idea that Karen used to work in the very
same little department at the company that was about to lay me off,
nor that we had a few other friends in common (albeit again from the
software assurance community).

> I am curious why I don't see many new names on SC-L. Lots of lurkers?

That's probably true of any email list.  I run a few where the same
couple dozen or so names keep popping up in the From lines... out of
thousands of members.


Dave Aronson, software engineer or trainer for hire.
Looking for job (or contract) in Washington DC area.
See for resume & other info.
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