A colleague and I have been looking at the problem a bit, in the context of 
need for survivability in safety-critical systems. Below is an extract of the 
paper "Software Survivability: Where Safety and Security Converge" authored by 
Larry Feldman, Ph.D., and myself, and presented by our colleague Theodore 
Winograd at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' 
infot...@aerospace Conference in Seattle last spring.

There's also a brief discussion of security issues associated with embedded 
software in the DHS/DACS "Enhancing the Development Life Cycle to Produce 
Secure Software" - specifically pages 272-275. The document is freely 
downloadable after quick registration on the DACS (DTIC's Data and Analysis 
Center for Software) Web site: 

Karen Mercedes Goertzel, CISSP


B.      Embedded No Longer Means Isolated

        Before discounting a comparable threat to embedded systems, consider 
the following excerpt from Chapter seven of Exploiting Software [8] by Greg 
Hoglund and Gary McGraw: 

        "For no valid technical reasons, people seem to believe that embedded 
systems are invulnerable to remote software-based attacks. One common 
misconception runs that because a device does not include an interactive shell 
out of the box, then accessing or using ‘shell code’ is not possible. This is 
probably why some people (wrongly) explain that the worst thing that an 
attacker can do to most embedded systems is merely to crash the device. The 
problem with this line of reasoning is that injected code is, in fact, capable 
of executing any set of instructions, including an entire shell program that 
encompasses and packages up for convenient use standard, supporting [operating 
system]-level functions. It does not matter that such code does not ship with 
the device. Clearly, this kind of code can simply be placed into the target 
during an attack. Just for the record, an attack of this sort may not need to 
insert a complete interactive TCP/IP shell. Instead, the attack might simply 
wipe out a configuration file or alter a password. 
        There are any numbers of complex programs that can be inserted via a 
remote attack on an embedded system. Shell code is only one of them. Even the 
most esoteric of equipment can be reverse engineered, debugged, and played 
with. It does not really matter what processor or addressing scheme is being 
used, because all an attacker needs to do is to craft operational code for the 
target hardware. Common embedded hardware is (for the most part) well 
documented, and such documents are widely available." 

        One of the most widely publicized successful attacks on an embedded 
system was the 2002 hack of the flash memory of the Microsoft XBox game cube in 
order to access the algorithm used by the game cube’s cryptosystem to decrypt 
and verify its bootloader. [9] 
        Now consider how safety-critical embedded systems—from temperature 
controls to medical devices to on-board airplane and automotive computers and 
sensors—are increasingly becoming network-accessible. For example, embedded 
software in implanted medical devices is now accessible via radio frequency 
identification (RFID) interfaces. [10] And telemedicine applications in use by 
DoD enable software-controlled surgical robots located in U.S. military 
facilities in Iraq to be operated via satellite uplinks by doctors at the U.S. 
Navy Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. [11] 
        Consider General Motors’ OnStar and its less familiar rivals (Ford’s 
RESCU and VEMS, Volvo’s OnCall, BMW’s Assist, Mercedes-Benz’s TeleAid and 
COMAND). These services all include the ability of call center representatives 
to perform remote telematic diagnostics of the onboard computers in their 
subscribers’ vehicles. The data they collect via transmissions from the cars’ 
computers are returned to the remote call centers via cellular or satellite 
phone links. 
        Remote monitoring and diagnosis of automotive computers sounds benign 
enough (though there are significant privacy concerns associated with some of 
the data being gathered by these services), but OnStar has gone a step beyond 
simple observation to actual remote control of at least one of the automobile’s 
safety-critical onboard computers: the one that controls its ignition. As USA 
Today reported in October 2007, [12] the 1.7 million General Motors 2009 
vehicles equipped with OnStar now allow their owners to grant permission for 
OnStar to cooperate with the police if their vehicles are stolen; specifically, 
if a police car is involved in a high-speed car chase with a stolen 
OnStar-enabled vehicle, the police can request that the stolen vehicle’s engine 
“be remotely switched off through the OnStar mobile communications system”. The 
objective of this police/OnStar cooperation is laudable: it allows the police 
to terminate car chases involving stolen vehicles, thereby reducing the number 
of fatal accidents associated with such chases (such reductions are the stated 
objective of the program), while coincidentally increasing their arrest rates 
and stolen auto recovery rates (not mentioned as drivers for the program). 
        What the new use of OnStar also heralds is a transition of one of the 
world’s most successful telematics systems from passive data collection to 
active control of remote embedded systems. Imagine a hacker ingenious enough to 
locate, intercept…and tamper with…OnStar cellular transmissions: what 
potentially disastrous, even deadly, havoc might such a hacker be able to wreak 
by shutting off car engines willy-nilly during a typical New York City rush 
hour? As with so many network connections before it, now that OnStar’s two-way 
connectivity is there, other potential applications are already suggesting 
themselves, and no doubt at least some of these will prove irresistible. It has 
been suggested, for example, that OnStar could be used to load new firmware 
into automobile computers without the customers having to take their cars into 
a dealership. Now imagine that capability threatened by the programmer laid off 
from GM who decides to take revenge by hacking into the OnStar call center and 
inserting malicious logic or even just “garbage bits” into transmission streams 
over OnStar’s cellular links. [13]
        The question of OnStar’s inherent security vulnerability was raised by 
PC Today’s “On the Road” columnist. After summarizing OnStar’s and comparable 
services’ security measures (many of which rely on security through obscurity) 
and reporting the vulnerability found in such services by security researchers, 
the columnist concluded: [14]

        "…auto makers must not relax their diligence, as the future of 
telematics security is still unclear. In their detailed report, Security in 
Automotive Bus Systems, researchers Marko Wolf, André Weimerskirch, and 
Christof Paar noted, “[Some] automotive communication networks have access to 
crucial components of the vehicle, like brakes, airbags, and the engine 
control. Cars that are equipped with driving aid systems allow deep 
interventions in the driving behavior of the vehicle…. Malicious attackers are 
not to be underestimated.”"

        Do the benefits of network addressable embedded systems and remote 
telematics outweigh the risks? In most cases, probably. But they should also at 
least raise the question: is the security of embedded systems adequate to 
protect them against direct hacking or malicious code insertion over network 
connections that they were never originally designed to support? This is a 
question that is relevant for all safety-critical systems that are being 
exposed, to any degree, to access via network connections. 
        Embedded systems have inherently much higher reliability expectations 
than most of other software systems. They are also subject to unique security 
threats: hackers may use sensitive test equipment to steal, disassemble, and 
probe small devices to remove memory elements from the system to extract their 
contents. They may use debugging ports and software to read sensitive data or 
force unintended operations. They may measure the device’s electromagnetic 
radiation or power consumption to gain clues about hidden functions and 
concealed information. They may force the system to operate outside its design 
parameters through introduction of extreme temperatures, voltage excursions, 
and clock variations, thereby exposing anomalous and vulnerable behaviors. 
        Memory devices are a favorite target of attack because they store both 
the system’s firmware and software and its sensitive data. Many such devices 
can be read while in circuit, and may provide temporary plain text data during 
operation. If the device includes a tamper sensor, the designer can incorporate 
hardware or software resources that will rapidly erase sensitive data before 
the device can be extracted. 
        Another threat unique to software within embedded systems is reverse 
engineering of the physical system to enable the attacker to devise 
countermeasures to the system’s security protections, or to the system itself, 
e.g., countermeasures to a weapons system. An attacker might also use 
information gained through reverse engineering to design a new version of the 
system that can then be used to target the copied system or its originator.
        Embedded software is far more likely to be implemented using any one of 
a large number of fairly obscure (outside of the embedded development 
community) and non-standard software architectures, languages, and host 
operating systems. “Security through obscurity” is a dubious advantage of the 
unfamiliarity and non-standardization of embedded software, but it also places 
a greater burden on each implementer to determine whether the architecture and 
operating system chosen provide adequate security protection or any at all. The 
proliferation of existing and emerging embedded-system architectures is also 
multiplying the number of attack paths and the number and variety of security 
threats that can leverage those attack paths to cause operational disruptions, 
to force unintended operations, or to extract sensitive data. The same 
proliferation is inhibiting the development of an industry-wide scheme for 
security protection of embedded software. 
        Some key secure software design principles are particularly relevant to 
embedded software design:

•       Differentiation between low- and high-consequence functions and public 
and private data. By denying user access to high-consequence functions and 
private data, the designer can reduce the risks to these elements of the 
embedded system; 
•       The design must provide protection during the embedded system’s normal 
operation, during attack through a network connection, and during electronic 
probing (e.g., in an attacker’s laboratory). 

        Most specifications for embedded operating system security (e.g., 
Multiple Independent Layers of Security/Safety [MILS], which is supported by 
real-time operating systems (RTOS) from Green Hills Software, LynuxWorks, and 
Wind River Software) focus on implementing the security protections defined in 
the Common Criteria. Unfortunately, Common Criteria protections, which focus on 
confidentiality, integrity, availability, and access control of data handled by 
computer systems, and of accountability of their users, do little or nothing to 
assure the security of the software itself. 
        Security concerns have changed the basic design guidelines for embedded 
products. Traditional criteria for evaluating embedded systems 
designs—smallness of circuitry, efficiency of code, and long mean times between 
failures—are no longer sufficient to assure those systems’ dependability, 
trustworthiness, and survivability. Unfortunately, to date embedded system 
designers have limited their focus on software security protection to 
preventing physical access to the embedded software by strengthening its 
physical packaging, mainly through use of “anti-tamper” mechanisms.

8. Hoglund, Greg and Gary McGraw. Exploiting Software: How to Break Code 
(Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2004). For more information: 
9. Huang, Andrew “Bunnie”. “Keeping Secrets in Hardware: The Microsoft XBox 
Case Study”. Massachussetts Institute of Technology AI Memo #2002-008, 26 May 
2002. Accessed 2 March 2009 at: 
10. Becker, T.J. “Improving Medical Devices: Georgia Tech Research Center 
Expands Testing Capabilities to Help Reduce Potential Interference”. Georgia 
Tech Research News, 25 July 2006. Accessed 2 March 2009 at: 
11. Ackerman, Robert K. “Telemedicine Reaches Far and Wide”. SIGNAL, March 
2005. Accessed 2 March 2009 at: 
 693&zoneid=128. Also H. Murakami, et al., Tohoku University Sendai. 
“Telemedicine Using Mobile Satellite Communication”. IEEE Transactions on 
Biomedical Engineering, Volume 41 Issue 5, May 1994, pp. 488-497. Digital 
Object Identifier: 10.1109/10.293224
12. Woodyard, Chris Woodyard. “Device can remotely halt auto chases”. USA 
Today, 9 October 2007. Accessed 20 February 2009 at: 
13. Note that malicious code deliveries (the most common installation method 
for viruses, worms) and insertions (the most common installation method for 
Trojan horses) have been involved in several recorded SCADA security incidents. 
See Turk, Robert J., Idaho National Laboratory. “Cyber Incidents Involving 
Control Systems”, INL/EXT-05-00671, October 2005. Accessed 2 March 2009 at: 
14. Farwell, Jennifer. “Hijacked, Corrupted and Crashed: Does the New 
Generation of Computerized Cars Pose a Security Threat?”. PC Today, Volume 3 
Issue 10, October 2005. Accessed 14 March 2009 at: 

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