On Jul 29, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Kenneth Van Wyk wrote:
> Anyone know of any static code analysis tools that can scan an iPhone app 
> package?  Something that integrates with the Xcode SDK and can at the very 
> least scan through all of the Objective C in the src tree is what I'm looking 
> for.  Any SCA product vendors currently doing this?  Please contact me on or 
> off list.

Thanks to all who responded.  Great suggestions.

Most focused on the (now) built-in Clang analysis engine (and front-end for 
LLVM ) that Dan Cornell cited here.  

Clang looks like a useful starting point, as it looks for all sorts of common 
mistakes found in the C family, including C++ and Objective C.  Memory leaks, 
uninitialized variables, type mismatches, and that sort of thing should be 
pretty easy to spot using Clang.

I'm hoping also for something that goes beyond that.  How about analysis of 
static code for use of secure network connections, session management (for 
client-server apps), protection of sensitive data (at rest and in transit), and 
that sort of thing.  These are relatively language-agnostic needs, but would be 
extremely useful in a static analysis tool, IMHO.

I'll bet the folks who coded the Citi banking app could have made good use of 
something like that...  :-\

In any case, thanks again for all the responses.  Speaks volumes for the 
quality of folks we have here in the SC-L community.



Kenneth R. van Wyk
KRvW Associates, LLC

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