hi sc-l,

Once every blue moon, software security makes it into the major press.  BSIMM4 
did it today.


I think it's great when the major players get past the "train wreck" mentality 
that seems to pervade security coverage.


p.s. This Dennis Fisher podcast is worth a listen too:

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From: gem <g...@cigital.com<mailto:g...@cigital.com>>
Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 9:56 AM
To: Secure Code Mailing List 
Cc: Sammy Migues <smig...@cigital.com<mailto:smig...@cigital.com>>, Jacob West 
Subject: BSIMM4 Released Today

hi sc-l,

Today we released BSIMM4, the fourth edition of the BSIMM model built directly 
from data observed in 51 firms.  If you ever wonder what software assurance 
looks like in commercial practice (and how to measure it), the BSIMM sheds 
plenty of light on current practice.

Download a copy today (for free under the Creative Commons) at 

BSIMM4 provides insight into fifty-one of the most successful software security 
initiatives in the world and describes how these initiatives evolve, change, 
and improve over time. The multi-year study is based on in-depth measurement of 
leading enterprises including Adobe, Aon, Bank of America, Box, Capital One, 
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), EMC, F-Secure, Fannie Mae, 
Fidelity, Google, Intel, Intuit, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Mashery, McKesson, 
Microsoft, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, QUALCOMM, Rackspace, Salesforce, 
Sallie Mae, SAP, Scripps Networks, Sony Mobile, Standard Life, SWIFT, Symantec, 
Telecom Italia, Thomson Reuters, Vanguard, Visa, VMware, Wells Fargo, and Zynga.

Some numerical highlights of BSIMM4:
• BSIMM4 includes 51 firms from 12 industry verticals
• BSIMM4 has grown 20% since BSIMM3 and is ten times bigger than the original 
2009 edition
• The BSIMM4 data set has 95 distinct measurements (some firms measured 
multiple times, some firms with multiple divisions measured separately and 
rolled into one firm score)
• BSIMM4 continues to show that leading firms on average employ two full time 
software security specialists for every 100 developers
• BSIMM4 describes the work of 974 software security professionals working with 
a development-based satellite of 2039 people to secure the software developed 
by 218,286 developers

Of particular interest to readers of sc-l, for the first time in the BSIMM 
project, new activities were observed in addition to the original 109, 
resulting in the addition of two new activities to the model going forward. The 
activities are: Simulate software crisis and Automate malicious code detection.

As always, your feedback is welcome.


company www.cigital.com
podcast www.cigital.com/silverbullet
blog www.cigital.com/justiceleague
book www.swsec.com

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