
I'm looking for user experience about Chart. Whitout answer on graphics mailing list, I try with this list.

The feature in OOo which is lacking more for me is polynomial regression
curve in Chart (issue 20819).
Ingrid Halama and me wrote a proposition for a file format change in
ODF, in order to be able to add polynomial regression curve. It is
obvious that asking a file format change only for polynomial regression
curve is unproductive. That's why the proposition include other
important issues for trend lines:
- moving average trend line (issue 66819)
- force intercept (issue 34093)
- extrapolate (issue 5085)

Do you see some other features that are missing to trend lines? I made
the comparison with MS-Excel only, but other spreadsheet may have
interesting features.

With this four first features, there are things that should be discussed
before asking to OASIS TC a file format change:
- polynomial trend line: exponential terms is an option, but is it
- moving average trend line: by default it is prior moving average. What
about adding central moving average ? Is it necessary, or will there be
too many parameters, most of them useless?

For a practical reason, I do not attach yet the proposal, because I am
not sure that robot will accept message with attached file. How to
proceed to give you the file? With a wiki? With IssueZilla? Or another

Many thanks in advance for your answers.

Laurent BP

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