hey ppl,
forgot to mention that the whole meeting thing was arranged thanx to Ankit
Jain. The whole credit for the success of this actually goes to him.

sorry ankit for not mentioning this before.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Raju Mathur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 1:05 PM
Subject: Meeting with CBSE Officials

> >>>>> "Gami" == gami  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Gami> hello people, Ankit, Prateek and I had a meeting in DPS RK
>     Gami> Puram with a couple of CBSE officials regarding review of
>     Gami> the syllabus of IT Applications Vocational Course offered by
>     Gami> CBSE for classes 11th and 12th. This course is currently
>     Gami> being taught by some 30-35 schools from all over india, and
>     Gami> most of these are government model schools.  Till now,
>     Gami> microsoft specific applications (like MS Office) were being
>     Gami> taught, but now with the revision, X Windows will be taught
>     Gami> for GUI (Basic things like desktop, panel etc) and Open
>     Gami> Office for office applications. All the things that the
>     Gami> students were supposed to learn using Microsoft products can
>     Gami> alternatively be learnt by using GNU/Linux systems.  A
>     Gami> customised CD containing only the required packages is to be
>     Gami> developed to be sent to all schools teaching this course.
> Totally awesome!  As one would expect, the finger for the customised
> CD is pointing towards me; I hope to have it ready this coming week,
> given all the software we need to put on it and a little bit of help
> from my friends (you know who you are :-)
>     Gami> This can be seen as a very positive sign, and in fact we
>     Gami> have another meeting with the CBSE official to discuss the
>     Gami> current CBSE Syllabus for other classes.  For the same, we
>     Gami> need to be ready with a presentation and a manual of the
>     Gami> Linux system (Very Very basic stuff and some details about
>     Gami> the open office, on how to use it etc.)  Since work had
>     Gami> already been started for Leap (till we dont reach a
>     Gami> consensus, im going to refer to the schools project as leap)
>     Gami> we could probably use that for this purpose.
> LEAP sounds good.  I doubt if we would get a better acronym than that
> in a hurry.
> Please outline the requirements from the basic manual.  Wouldn't we be
> able to get and massage something from the 'net instead of writing one
> from scratch?
>     Gami> in fact, when we hinted to the CBSE official about
>     Gami> linux-delhi's project, he was more than willing to help us
>     Gami> with it. he is very pro linux and would definitely help us
>     Gami> if we have our kit ready.
> We really need to get responsibilities and deadlines in place.
> Prateek, how about the minutes?
>     Gami> if anyone is interested in writing for the manual, please
>     Gami> get in touch with the person who's heading the section
>     Gami> you're interested in. the list was sent by supreet a couple
>     Gami> of days back on linux-delhi. please goto the archives in
>     Gami> case u dont have the mail.
> You'll have to look in the Linux-Delhi archives, since that message
> went to ilugd and not the school list.  I've sent a copy to this list
> too now.
>     Gami> Regards, Gami
> Regards,
> -- Raju
> --
> Raju Mathur          [EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://kandalaya.org/
>                      It is the mind that moves

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