[CC'ing mailing list]

RMS and I have had this discussion earlier, and I personally don't see
any need to confuse schools with a more complex name, either for the
project or for the OS.  The originators of the project have chosen to
call it LAP (Linux Access Project) and as far as I'm concerned that
name stands until enough people choose another one.  In any case the
members of the mailing list can decide for themselves the advantages
and/or disadvantages of adding a `GNU' to the name of the project.

Do be aware that we have repeatedly stated that the GNU philosophy
will be part of our education efforts for the teachers and students.
We want to educate schools towards adopting Linux for both pragmatic
and idealistic reasons.  The only school which has adopted Linux at
the moment (through the efforts of Leo Fernandez) has done so purely
based on cost.  We hope this changes, and we are working towards
making a hybrid presentation which talks about Linux from all points
of view: as a platform which offers all the advantages of free
software, as a technically superior solution and as a lower cost
option to MS operating systems.


-- Raju

>>>>> "Girish" == Girish S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Girish> Sure, its an important point, as students will learn about
    Girish> why and what they are learning and the ideology for which
    Girish> GNU stands.  So here go some names again: GurukuliNUx :-),
    Girish> GNU-Linux 4 School[gl4s], GeNiUS, GNU-LISP and [Gurugnul
    Girish> and GNU+Linux+School, as suggested by Richard] or any good
    Girish> acronym containing the same.  Best regards, Girish S.
    Girish> P.S.: Wud appreciate the latest update on the activities.
    Girish> .................................................................
    Girish> ----- Original Message ----- From: Richard Stallman
    Girish> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >> some suggestions for names for the LinuxInSchools project. How
    >> about, he
    Girish> asks,
    >> shiksha-Linux or gurukuLinux or Linux-school..and combinations
    Girish> thereof?
    >>  I would guess this project is about installing GNU/Linux, not
    >> Linux alone.  Teaching the teachers that the system is
    >> GNU/Linux, so they can spread the word to the students, is very
    >> important because that way the teachers and the students are
    >> more likely to find out about the philosophy of freedom that is
    >> the reason for the system's existence.  This is an opportunity
    >> to teach millions of people about the importance of free
    >> software, and all that's needed is to call the system and
    >> project by a differnt name.
    >> Telling people that the system is GNU/Linux won't magically
    >> teach them the idea of freedom all by itself.  But some of them
    >> will find out about the GNU philosophy, and the others, knowing
    >> they are using GNU, will be eager to find out about it.  Once
    >> millions of users in India know about the philosophy of free
    >> software, they will take action to protect their freedom.  For
    >> instance, by rejecting modems that have only non-free drivers,
    >> they will create a larger market for the modem companies that
    >> supply free software, and in the end this will mean more modems
    >> that do work with free software.
    >> So it would be useful to consider names that mention GNU.  I
    >> can suggest Gurugnul and GNU+Linux+School.  See
    >> http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html for more explanation.
    >> Frederick, can you forward this suggestion?

Raju Mathur          [EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://kandalaya.org/
                     It is the mind that moves

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