Been thinking about learning/teaching programming for school-goers and
Python seems to be more of the right choice than ever.  It's clean,
well-supported under both Linux and Windows, object-oriented and has a
fairly large set of libraries for basic functionality available.  Now
if only they'd fix the syntax of the damn language I may even start
using it myself ;-)

Anyhow, I don't know if you're aware of the wxWindows project?  It's a
C++ graphical library which runs under multiple platforms (Windows,
Linux, Unix, etc) and, here's the beauty, provides a consistent
interface to the native windowing systems of the platform that it runs
on.  So a wxWindows program running on Windows would use the native
Windows toolkit while one running on Linux would use, e.g. GTK+ (the
Gnome toolkit).  Apps written in wxWindows thus have the look and feel
of the platform they're running on.

Python bindings to wxWindows are available.  IMO this is a great way
to teach students graphic programming, since they're not tied to any
particular platform and don't have to learn the nuances of each and
every toolkit on each and every platform: just learn Python and
wxWindows and you can run your programs on Windows, Linux, Motif,
Unix, etc without changing a line of code.

Would it be possible to evaluate wxWindows and the Python bindings and
include them on the LAP CD?


-- Raju
Raju Mathur          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                     It is the mind that moves

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