Marissa Mika, U of San Francisco

Monday, December 14

4pm – E51-095

Cobalt Blues: The Half Life of Technology Transfer

What happens when oncology's technologies travel? Focusing on the history of 
cancer care in Uganda for the past 50 years, I show how the historically 
situated techno-politics of a one-time radiotherapy donation continue to shape 
the ethical and practical realities of cancer care today in one corner of the 
Global South. This is a meditation on the "half life" of machines, technocratic 
imaginaries, and the limits of repair in a unequal world.

BIO: Marissa Mika is a historian focusing on issues where science, technology, 
medicine, and politics intersect in modern Africa. She works primarily in east 
Africa, and is writing a book on the history of a major cancer research center 
in Uganda currently entitled Research is Our Resource: Surviving Experiments 
and Politics at an African Cancer Institute. She is in the early stages of 
developing a project on material and spatial histories of medical waste, Where 
There is No Incinerator, which examines the thin line between disposability and 
reuse in health work in sub-Saharan Africa. Her research has been supported by 
the Social Science Research Council, the Wenner Gren Foundation, and the 
University of Pennsylvania among others. Dr. Mika currently teaches African 
history at the University of San Francisco and is a visiting scholar at the 
Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society at the University of 
California, Berkeley. She has a PhD in the History and Sociology of Science 
from the University of Pennsylvania. She has worked in sub-Saharan Africa since 
2002 and has a background in international development and public health. 

Gus Zahariadis
Assistant to the Director
Program in Science, Technology, and Society

T: (617) 253-3452
F: (617) 258-8118

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