Begin forwarded message:

From: Alex Reiss Sorokin <<>>
Subject: [POSTPONED] Food, Farms, Factories - Cross-STS on March 12 @ 05:30
Date: March 10, 2020 at 11:12:11 AM EDT
To: Gus Zahariadis <<>>

Due to recent events, Cross-STS this Thursday is cancelled. We wish to avoid 
any unnecessary risks to our community of students and faculty at this time. We 
hope you will join us once Cross-STS resumes.

All our best,
Boyd and Alex (Cross-STS organizers)

On Feb 27, 2020, at 1:25 PM, Alex Reiss Sorokin 
<<>> wrote:

The second Cross-STS for this Spring is coming up!
In this upcoming Cross-STS, we explore the industrialization of food production 
in the United States. Bringing together historical and ethnographic 
perspectives, our speakers will talk about their work on the past and the 
future of American agribusiness, where not only machines but also non-human 
species are subject to the industrial mode of production. What challenges might 
industrial farming of plants and animals pose to how we think about the ethics 
of consumption and multi-species coexistence on a climate-changing planet? Join 
us on Thursday, March 12, at 05:30pm (E51-095). Dinner and snacks will be 
About Our Speakers:
Alex Blanchette is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Tufts University. His 
research concerns the politics of industrial labor and life in a 
post-industrial United States. His upcoming book, Porkopolis: American 
Animality, Standardized Life, and the "Factory" Farm (2020), is an ethnography 
of labor within large-scale meat corporations.
Deborah Fitzgerald is Professor of the History of Technology at MIT. Her 
research focuses on agriculture in twentieth-century America. Her latest book, 
Every Farm a Factory: The Industrial Ideal in American Agriculture (2003), 
discusses the transformation of agricultural practice in America from a 
pre-industrial to an industrial activity in the early twentieth century. She is 
currently working on a project about the industrialization of food during World 
War II.

Best wishes,
Boyd and Alex

<Cross-STS_Session II_Flyer_v5.pdf>

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