Sent on behalf of Jennifer S. Light, Department Head, MIT Program in Science, 
Technology, and Society:

MIT’s STS program is pleased to announce that it has awarded the 2020 Benjamin 
Siegel Writing Prize to Jesse Gordon, for his essay “The Coronavirus 
Chronicles: Emergence of a Global Pandemic.” Gordon is a fourth-year doctoral 
student in Professor Gabriela Schlau-Cohen’s group in the Department of 

Each year MIT’s Program in Science, Technology, and Society offers the Benjamin 
Siegel Writing Prize to the MIT student submitting the best written work (under 
50 pages) on issues in science, technology, and society. The Prize was 
established in 1990 by family and friends to honor the memory of Benjamin 
Siegel, S.B. 1938, Ph.D. The $2500 Prize is open to undergraduate and graduate 
students at MIT from any department or school. This year’s selection committee 
is composed of David Mindell and Rosalind Williams.

Here's how the selection committee described the winning paper:

"Among the entries, Gordon’s essay is unique for its two voices. The text opens 
in the first-person as account of the graduate student recalling when, barely 
two months ago, he first realized, “the gravity of the situation” of the novel 
coronavirus outbreak, through an email sent through his group’s messaging 
system. Then the text shifts to a third-person description of the medical 
symptoms and mortality rates of the new disease we now know as COVID-19. The 
rest of the essay continues to alternate between the voice of scientific 
inquiry and that of personal experience.

Jesse Gordon told us that he first considered writing this personal account as 
a way of coming to terms with the “surreal” events that were unfolding so 
quickly. After hearing about the Siegel competition, he considered writing a 
submission about the coronavirus as a research topic, which would challenge him 
to learn more about virology, immunology, and medical science. Eventually he 
decided to do both: “I wanted to distill the scientific literature into a form 
that would be understandable to a general audience, as well as write about my 
first-hand perspective.”

Readers will be drawn by this portrayal of MIT as a place where academic 
inquiry and community awareness develop interactively and simultaneously. By 
honoring “The Coronavirus Chronicles” with the Siegel Writing Prize, we hope to 
encourage other MIT students to imagine broad audiences for their writing.  
Jesse Gordon’s essay has already been published by his department as part of a 
quarantine diaries series.  It has contributed to the MIT Libraries Distinctive 
Collection project, which is assembling original materials related to COVID-19. 
 "The Coronavirus Chronicles” is a timely, compelling statement reminding us 
all that science and humanity are inseparable."

Congratulations to Jesse Gordon for his prize-winning essay, and my thanks to 
Roz Williams and David Mindell for serving as the faculty representatives on 
this year's STS Committee on Honors and Prizes.

Gus Zahariadis
Assistant to the Director
MIT Program in Science, Technology, and Society
T: (617) 253-3452
F: (617) 258-8118<>

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