Tuesday, 10/20 | 12Noon-1:30pm
The bang and the bucks: Post-9/11 military spending and the shortchanging of 
other needs
REGISTER HERE <https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TzYnrNVBQwWah_WxMEN_eg>

Guest Speaker:  Heidi Peltier <https://www.bu.edu/pardee/heidi-peltier/>, Ph.D, 
Director, 20 Years Project, Boston University

The world is facing an unprecedented crisis on several fronts. Lack of 
leadership by the United States has intensified many flash points around the 
world including nuclear threats and the abandonment of arms control 
negotiations, bio-safety, climate change, food insecurity, instability and 
tensions in the East, and increased pressure from nationalists and extremists 
at home and abroad. This seminar series will capture a subset of these critical 
issues facing humanity and the planet.

For more information,  see the event page: MIT Radius, Global Peace and 
Insecurity, A Seminar Series 
Please email weinm...@mit.edu <mailto:weinm...@mit.edu> with any questions.

Friday, 10/23 | 2:00pm-3:00pm
Demography and Biopower
REGISTER HERE <https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8nuN-O1zRZ27d3f5UjUcLQ>

Guest Speaker:  Anne McCants <https://history.mit.edu/people/anne-e-c-mccants>, 
MIT History
                                John Brown 
<https://www2.clarku.edu/faculty/facultybio.cfm?id=319>, Clark University

Gus Zahariadis
Assistant to the Director
MIT Program in Science, Technology, and Society
T: (617) 253-3452
F: (617) 258-8118

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