Dear STS Community,

The STS Program is thrilled to announce the creation of the L. Dennis Shapiro 
(1955) Graduate Fellowship in the History of African American Experience of 
Technology, thanks to a generous gift from MIT alum Dennis Shapiro. This new 
fellowship supports a Ph.D. student who is studying the history of African 
Americans’ engagement with technology: invention, use, engineering, cultural 
innovation and creativity. The fellowship also provides the selected student 
with a summer research stipend and research support, renewable for up to three 
years. It is also accompanied by a Program Fund to enable supporting activities 
by the STS Program. ​

Kelcey Gibbons, an MIT Ph.D. student in HASTS studying the history of black 
computer professionals and black technological education in the twentieth 
century, is the first recipient of a Shapiro Fellowship. 

For more information about the new fellowship and about Dennis Shapiro, please 
see the longer story here: 

Jennifer S. Light
Department Head, Program in Science, Technology and Society
Bern Dibner Professor of the History of Science and Technology
Professor of Urban Studies and Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave., E51-173
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 452-2390 

Gus Zahariadis (he, him, his)
Assistant to the Director; Sr. Admin III
Program in Science, Technology, and Society 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
77 Massachusetts Ave, E51-163B
Cambridge, MA 02139
T: 617.253.3452 <> <>u 

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