Empathy and Our Future <https://www.amacad.org/events/empathy>
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Morton L. Mandel Public Lecture, Virtual 

Please visit the event webpage to register in advance:  
https://www.amacad.org/events/empathy <https://www.amacad.org/events/empathy>

While many in America are now debating accountability vs. unity, there is 
another concept that belongs in any conversation about how America can recover 
from a divisive election, devastating pandemic, and long history of racial 
injustice – empathy. 

This event is an opportunity to explore empathy in our increasingly digital 

Eric Liu <https://www.amacad.org/person/eric-p-liu>, co-chair of the American 
Academy of Arts & Sciences Commission on the Practice of Democratic 
Citizenship, President and CEO, Citizen University, Sherry Turkle 
<https://www.amacad.org/person/sherry-turkle>, Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor 
of the Social Studies of Science and Technology, MIT and author of the 
forthcoming memoir, The Empathy Diaries 
 will discuss the search for authentic connection and repairing torn social 
fabric in our challenging times with David W. Oxtoby 
<https://www.amacad.org/person/david-w-oxtoby>, President, American Academy of 
Arts & Sciences


David A. Mindell: The Work of the Future 
Monday, March 15, 2021
Virtual Event (Zoom Meeting)

Join David A. Mindell 
<https://sts-program.mit.edu/people/sts-faculty/david-a-mindell/>, Frances and 
David Dibner Professor of the History of Engineering and Manufacturing (STS), 
of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and co-chair, MIT Task Force on the Work of 
the Future, as he discusses the task force report’s findings.

Register in advance for this Zoom meeting: 
**After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing 
information about joining the meeting.

In the fall of 2017, MIT President Reif issued a call to action, for the nation 
and especially for MIT. In response, in February 2018, the formation of the MIT 
Task Force on the Work of the Future 
 was announced and in November 2020, the task force released its final report, 
The Work of the Future: Building Better Jobs in an Age of Intelligent Machines 

The report provides insight into how new technologies are changing the nature 
of work and what institutional reforms are needed to support workers and 
promote broader shared prosperity.

The work of the task force represents the distinctive strengths of the MIT 
community, integrating ideas from economics, engineering, computer science, 
political science, history, anthropology, urban planning, management, and more. 
Task force members worked collaboratively with leaders in industry, government, 
labor, education, and the nonprofit sector, from  around the world and across 
the US, including from those regions hardest hit by job loss. Together, they 
tackled three questions:

• How are emerging technologies transforming the nature of human work and the 
skills that enable people to thrive in the digital 
• How can we shape and catalyze technological innovation to complement and 
augment human potential?
• And how can our civic institutions – existing and new – ensure that the gains 
from these emerging innovations contribute to equality of 
opportunity, social inclusion, and shared prosperity?

The report’s policy recommendations focus on investing in fresh approaches to 
skill building and education, improving job quality, and expanding and shaping 
innovation. Policy and institutional reform are particularly needed at a time 
when Covid-19 has exposed many of the weaknesses in our labor market and social 
insurance system for workers.

Read more about the task force’s findings on MIT News. 

Gus Zahariadis (he, him, his)
Assistant to the Director; Sr. Admin III
Program in Science, Technology, and Society 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
77 Massachusetts Ave, E51-163B
Cambridge, MA 02139
T: 617.253.3452

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