Dear STS Community:

Each year MIT’s Program in Science, Technology, and Society offers the Benjamin 
Siegel Writing Prize to the MIT student submitting the best written work (under 
50 pages) on issues in science, technology, and society. The Prize was 
established in 1990 by family and friends to honor the memory of Benjamin 
Siegel, S.B. 1938, Ph.D. The $2500 Prize is open to undergraduate and graduate 
students at MIT from any department or school.

This year’s selection committee, composed of David Kaiser and Rosalind 
Williams, decided to award the prize this year to two papers that use 
compelling case studies to illustrate how information systems are also 
political projects:

“Quantifying the ‘National Physique’: Deterioration, Degeneracy, and the 
British National Anthropometric Survey, 1904,” by Michelle Spektor, HASTS

“Deprivation Codes: Mississippi’s Welfare System in the Age of Computers,” by 
Marc Aidinoff, HASTS

In “Quantifying the ‘National Physique’: Deterioration, Degeneracy, and the 
British National Anthropometric Survey, 1904,” by Michelle Spektor, HASTS, 
traces the emergence of plans for a national survey of body measurements of 
British citizens after a 1903 War Office memorandum warned that 60% of the men 
considered for military enlistment in the previous two years were physically 
unfit for service.  A national biometric survey was proposed to study reasons 
and possible remedies for this dismal state of national health.  As debated by 
anthropologists, politicians, and others, however, the proposed survey began to 
be discussed as a means of identifying racial characteristics that might prove 
superiority of a supposed British “national race.” Would the Survey become 
primarily a measure of nature or of nurture?     

Debates over this question, and skepticism about the value of such an ambitious 
program, eventually dampened enthusiasm for a national anthropometric survey.  
By World War I any plans for it had faded away. However, the issues it 
raised—especially possible connections between biometrics and national 
identity—were raised again in 2004 in the form of a proposed “national identity 
scheme” that would issue IDs linked to a national identity register.   This 
program was put into effect but was repealed after the 2010 elections.  In its 
short life it revived, without resolving, concerns about the exclusionary 
implications of biometric information systems.

The other prize-winning paper, also a case study of information systems that 
promote political objectives, is “Deprivation Codes: Mississippi’s Welfare 
System in the Age of Computers,” by Marc Aidinoff, HASTS.  This work begins 
with the now-familiar announcement by a bureaucracy that it intends to 
implement a modern, efficient, cost-saving computer system. In the case this 
announcement was made in 1987 by the State of Mississippi concerning the 
benefit system known as AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).  The 
practical purpose of the system was to distribute practical financial support 
to those who needed it.  Its symbolic purpose was to demonstrate the 
modernization of the Deep South through its entry into the “information age.”

The new computer system, however, incorporated suspicions about the honesty of 
recipients, especially that of “deadbeat dads,” which gave it a coercive 
dimension.  Its design linked AFDC benefit payments to means of withholding 
income for debt collection. As the system developed, welfare benefits became 
connected with law enforcement. They were held up not only for overdue child 
support but also for other offenses such as suspended licenses.  In the end, 
the writer concludes, “There was no welfare state separate from the carceral 
state—the two were integrated as one machine.”  

This evolution is presented not just as an abstract argument but as lived 
experience, through the work habits of a caseworker in Mississippi whose job 
evolved from looking into the eyes of the recipient to looking mostly at a 
computer screen.  Similarly, the case study of the British National 
Anthropometric Survey uses detailed archival evidence to trace the 
personalities and work experiences of the main actors. Both writers pay careful 
attention to the language used by the individuals and groups who are making 
their cases.  They also choose their own language carefully in describing the 
intentions and motivations of the actors involved.  Most of all, Michelle 
Spektor  and Marc Aidinoff focus intently on their core argument:  that 
information systems incorporate intentions and anxieties beyond the stated 
ones, and that the information age is also always an age of politics.

Gus Zahariadis (he, him, his)
Assistant to the Director; Sr. Admin III
Program in Science, Technology, and Society 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
77 Massachusetts Ave, E51-163B
Cambridge, MA 02139
T: 617.253.3452 <> <>u 

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