
on Xubuntu 20.04 i'm using SCID v4.7.0 .. with most engines this SCID version (and all previous ones) has some annoying layout while MPV is high and depth increases : often the ponder line is too long to fit the window and the variation text is wrapped .. giving a strongly fluctuating list which makes it difficult to see how some moves might de/increase in score ..

can anybody fix this 'bug' ? I'm not a programmer such - mainly doing web pages and Python. i guess each move ponder line can have max chars and not wrap .. add a tooltip maybe.

my own Python app to run a UCI engine even has all move lines colored, so we can very clearly follow the eval of any move while depth increases .. that would be nice.

love the open source communities !

Roelof Berkepeis

-simple is not always best but best is always simple-

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