After upgrading Scid to version 4.7.4, I find that Scid won't properly
load PGN files that contain the "Black crushing" symbol.  A minimal

$cat test.pgn

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "0-1"]

1.e4 e5 2.f3?! Bc5 3.g4?? --+ Qh4+ 0-1

$scid test.pgn

After Scid loads, an error window opens, reading:

   (game 1, line 9) Failed to parse the move: Qh4+
   (game 1, line 9) End of game, ignoring the part after the last error.

The display in the PGN window of Scid reads:

   ? -- ?
   ? ???? 0-1

   1.e4 e5 2.f3?! Bc5 3.g4?? -- 0-1

(Note the deletion of everything after the --+ symbol.)  I haven't
encountered a similar problem with any of the other annotation symbols,
so for example, after running:

$sed -i 's/--+/-+/g' test.pgn

the file opens just fine in Scid.  I'd rather not have to do this on
every single PGN file, though.

Is there some simple edit to, say, a TCL file in the directory
/usr/share/scid/tcl/tools/ that might fix this?  If it's relevant,
I do notice that the file analysis.tcl contains a comment:

# Nags. Note the slight inconsistency for the "crushing" symbol (see game.cpp)

which doesn't make sense to me, as the file game.cpp doesn't exist

Best regards,
Greg Marks

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