High stakes testing: A statement of concern by the Alliance for
Childhood, April 25, 2001. See
. Brought to our attention by Joan Almon, Coordinator, Alliance for


Political leaders throughout America, including President Bush, are
calling for a dramatic increase in standardized testing in public
schools. The new tests invariably carry high stakes -- that is, the
test results are linked to serious consequences for students,
teachers, and schools.

We believe that this massive experiment, intended to raise
educational achievement, is based on misconceptions about the nature
and value of testing and about how children develop a true love of
learning. We further believe that this experiment may harm children's
health by causing excessive anxiety and stress. Health-care
professionals and parents already report that test-related stress is
literally making many children sick.

At the same time, we know a great deal about the kinds of schools and
assessment practices that will best support children's learning and
the development of the skills and capacities most needed in the 21st
century. Such schools foster strong bonds between students, families,
and good teachers. They help students to frame questions
intelligently, to pursue and analyze information, and to think with
originality, creativity, and concern for others. Yet these schools
and practices--as well as some of our most able teachers--are placed
increasingly at risk by the proliferation of standardized tests.

Some of the key concerns regarding high-stakes testing are as, follows:

The Technology of Testing Is Flawed

Though numerical test scores create an aura of precision, the
technology of standardized testing is subject to numerous forms of
error. "Tests are not perfect," a committee of the National Academy
of Sciences concluded in its exhaustive 1999 study of the appropriate
and inappropriate uses of tests, titled High Stakes. "No single test
score can be considered a definitive measure of a student's

For younger children especially, research shows that standardized
test scores are unreliable. At the fourth-grade level, for example,
standardized reading test scores vary widely for the same child
taking the same test on different days.

Because of the likelihood of error, and the potential for serious
harm, the American Educational Research Association, the American
Psychological Association, the National Council on Measurement in
Education, and the publishers of the tests themselves have warned
against the danger of inappropriate test use for years. Nevertheless,
these professional groups' standards for the ethical use of tests are
widely ignored, and there is no effective means of enforcing them.

For example, the use of standardized tests as the sole measure of
whether students are promoted, are placed in low-track classes, or
will graduate from high school is condemned as insupportable by every
professional testing organization; yet graduation tests are required
by 28 states, and the practice is rapidly spreading as a means of
enforcing "world-class standards."

Test Scores Have Meaning Only in the Context of the Whole Child

Standardized test results can be useful as one measure of a student's
knowledge to be compared with other evidence by teachers who know
that student's strengths and weaknesses. But the meaning of a test
score is always embedded in the larger context of the whole child.
This is especially true for the student who "freezes" on tests; the
student who reads adequately but slowly and therefore cannot finish
the test in the allotted time; the student who understands concepts
but has difficulty retrieving detailed facts; the student with
learning disabilities; and the student who is just learning English.

It is also essential to consider the child's opportunity to
learn--whether the family and school have provided the resources and
support necessary for learning. Many classrooms are overcrowded,
poorly equipped, and lacking certified teachers, especially in
high-poverty schools. Moreover, research indicates that test scores
largely reflect the child's family education level and home

In the absence of context, tests may not measure anything meaningful,
or have any connection to other more authentic measures of
achievement. Some talented students consistently score low on
standardized tests; conversely, a high score on a test  of facts or
formulas does not necessarily measure true understanding. Test scores
in childhood have little or no connection to success or productivity
in adulthood.

Tying education reform to the single goal of raising standardized
test scores seems simple and logical, but ignores unanswered
questions about the real effects of such a policy. There is no clear
evidence, for example, that higher test scores reflect actual gains
in students' learning, either at the individual or the group level.

During the 1980s many states reported dramatic improvements on their
own graduation tests, yet results of large-scale national tests
showed that there was little or no gain in student learning in those
same states. The reason, according to Columbia University Professor
Jay Heubert, the director of the National Academy's High Stakes
study, is that "test scores often increase, especially during the
years after a test is first introduced, because teachers increasingly
'teach to the test,' that is, focus on subject matter and formats
that appear on the test."

Evidence Is Growing of Harm to Children's Health

There is growing evidence that the pressure and anxiety associated
with high-stakes testing is unhealthy for children--especially young
children -- and may undermine the development of positive social
relationships and attitudes towards school and learning. A resolution
adopted by the National Council of Teachers of English in November
2000 states that "high-stakes testing often harms students' daily
experience of learning, displaces more thoughtful and creative
curriculum, diminishes the emotional well-being of educators and
children, and unfairly damages the life-chances of
members of vulnerable groups."

Parents, teachers, school nurses and psychologists, and child
psychiatrists report that the stress of high-stakes testing is
literally making children sick. Kathy Vannini, the elementary school
nurse in Longmeadow, Massachusetts, says she dreads the springtime
weeks when children must take the MCAS--the lengthy tests now
required of Massachusetts students starting in third grade. "My
office is filled with children with headaches and stomachaches every
day," she reports. "One third-grader was beside himself on the
morning of the test--he could not stop sobbing. I've been a school
nurse for twenty years, and the stresses on children have worsened in
that time. But this testing has greatly increased their anxiety

Roy Applegate, president of the California Association of School
Psychologists, describes "nerve-racked" students, parents, and even
principals suffering excessive anxiety related to high-stakes tests
with unrealistically high goals. "I observed a group of
low-performing students being given a pep talk by the principal," he
said in a recent speech. "As I looked at the faces of the seventh-
and eighth-grade students, most appeared terrified, depressed, or
disinterested in the principal's words. I think the principal was
terrified as well." The school's counselor, he added, reports more
and more students with anxiety-related symptoms, sleep problems, drug
use, avoidance behaviors, attendance problems, acting out, and the

"As psychologists," says Dr. Applegate, "we all learned in Psychology
1A about the inverse relationship between anxiety and performance:
small and even moderate levels of anxiety can be profitable, while
excess anxiety degrades performance. Are we  creating excess anxiety
for some in our efforts to create accountability for all? Are we
prepared to address the consequences  of this excessive anxiety?"

Parents and teachers are caught in the middle. Many believe the tests
are unreliable measures of students' knowledge and ability, yet feel
powerless to change the system. Fearing for their children's future
chances of success, some parents put added pressure on students to
get higher scores. But getting high scores often requires knowledge
that is beyond the children's developmental level. "I am seeing more
families where schoolwork that is developmentally inappropriate for
the cognitive levels of children is causing emotional havoc at home,"
says Dr. Marilyn Benoit of Howard University, president-elect of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. "The pressure on
teachers to teach to tests and outperform their colleagues is
translating into stressful evenings for parents and children."

More High-Stakes Testing Means More Dropouts, Fewer Good Teachers

Promotion and graduation policies based on high-stakes testing will
very likely result in huge increases in the numbers of poor and
minority students dropping out of school. The adoption of such tests
in Massachusetts has already resulted in a steady increase in the
number of African-American and Latino dropouts, according to a
recent analysis of data from the state department of education.

"For minority students and English-language learners, there is clear
evidence that initial failure rates on tests embodying 'world-class'
standards would be extremely high--about 80 percent," according to
Professor Heubert. Students with disabilities are another group at
risk from high-stakes testing policies. For them, Heubert notes, "it
is reasonable to assume that initial failure rates on such tests
would also be very high: in the 75 to 80 percent range."

Other research suggests that increased standardized testing
contributes to the flight of good teachers from public schools.
Children in low-income areas, where test scores are lowest for
reasons mostly unrelated to the quality or dedication of the
teachers, have the most to lose. Their teachers are the ones most
likely to be branded as failures by high-stakes testing policies.

In a survey of members of the Texas State Reading Association, 85
percent of respondents agreed that "the emphasis on TAAS [the
mandatory Texas tests] is forcing some of the best teachers to leave
teaching." Moreover, it is unlikely that we will attract innovative,
bright young people to the teaching profession by turning it into a
purely technical job in which most decisions about what is taught are
completely outside of their control.

Standardization Is the Enemy of Effective Public Schools

Higher education leaders have recently begun to speak out about the
damage to children and schools caused by overemphasizing standardized
tests. "Higher education is not dependent on the  information that
students bring with them to college as much as on how well they know
how to pursue knowledge," wrote Shirley Strum Kenny, president of the
State University of New York at Stony Brook, in the New York Times.
"The ability to frame questions intelligently is now far more
important than the ability to parrot some answers."

The standardization of curricula and teaching that is the inevitable
result of high-stakes testing is antithetical to a fundamental
American principle--that important decisions about what and how
children are taught will be made locally, by the parents, teachers,
and other community members who know the children and their needs.
Moreover, pressure to raise test scores above all other  educational
goals has the effect of impoverishing the curriculum. Schools across
the country have already eliminated advanced electives, music and art
classes, science classes, physical education, and study of current
events in part because these subjects do not appear on high-stakes
standardized tests.

"Standardized tests aimed at enforcing centrally prescribed
curriculum and pedagogy will severely limit if not kill the
innovation and exploration necessary to help all children achieve at
high standards," says Deborah Meier, the MacArthur Award-winning
founder of the Central Park East schools in East Harlem. "This is
above all true for those that traditional schools do not serve well
now. I can name several hundred successful, innovative schools whose
work would be harmed by required high-stakes testing--precisely the
schools that have beaten the odds when it comes to the much talked
about achievement gap."

"Excesses of the standards movement have promoted lock-step
education," School Superintendent Michael V. McGill of Scarsdale, New
York, told the New York Times. "They've diverted attention from
important local goals, highlighted simplistic and sometimes
inappropriate tests, needlessly promoted similarity in curriculum and
teaching. To the extent they've caused education to regress to  a
state average, they've undermined excellence."

There Is an Alternative

Defenders of standardized testing often acknowledge its shortcomings
but argue that it is the best measure we have. In fact, innovative
public schools across the country are already using fairer and more
accurate alternative measures--just as private  schools have done for
years. They assess students' progress by looking at their actual
achievements--their writing, their oral presentations, their science
experiments, their ways of attacking real-world problems, their
artwork and music, their ability to collaborate with others. In some
schools, these assessments are done by panels including teachers,
parents, and members of the community. This more rigorous,
contextualized assessment requires more time and effort than a
standardized test--but it is happening, in hundreds of small schools.

Children deserve to be judged as whole human beings, embodying the
full range of human intelligences and abilities. Such assessments
should be, in the words of the National PTA's position
statement on testing, "performance based, reflecting the different
kinds of knowledge and skills that a student is expected to acquire."

A Call to Action

In light of the questionable benefits of high-stakes testing and its
potential for long-term harm, we call on President Bush, the
Congress, and educational leaders to rethink the current rush to make
American children take even more standardized tests.

We call on Congress to put off making any new federal requirements
for standardized testing of public school students until the health
effects of such policies have been studied.

We further call on Congress to protect children by prohibiting the
growing practice of making high-stakes decisions about individual
students' promotion, graduation, or placement in low-track classes on
the basis of a single test score. This would put the force of law
behind the currently unenforced ethical standards of the testing
profession and the conclusions of the National Academy of Sciences
High Stakes study.

Finally, we call on Congress to provide incentives for states and
localities to develop alternative performance-based assessments that
measure not just the ability to memorize facts but also the capacity
for original thinking, real-world problem-solving, perseverance, and
social responsibility. Such assessment will hold real meaning for
students, parents, schools, and communities.
Endorsed by: (Endorsement of this statement does not indicate
membership in the Alliance for Childhood. Organizations included for
identification purposes only.)

Marilyn Benoit, M.D, child and adolescent psychiatrist, Howard
University Hospital; president-elect of the American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry

Robert Coles, M.D., professor of psychiatry and medical humanities,
Harvard Medical School, and professor of social ethics at the Harvard
Graduate School of Education; author of The Moral Intelligence of
Children: How to Raise a Moral Child

David Elkind, professor of child development, Tufts University;
former president of the National Association for the Education of
Young Children; author of The Hurried Child

Sandra Gadsden, R.N., school nurse, Worthington (Ohio) Public
Schools; member, board of directors, National Association of School
Nurses and Ohio Association of School Nurses

Howard Gardner, Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard
Graduate School of Education, author of Intelligence Reframed:
Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century

Mary Ginley, Longmeadow, Mass., teacher for 32 years, 1998
Massachusetts Teacher of the Year; adjunct faculty member, University
of Massachusetts, Amherst

Daniel Goleman, author, Emotional Intelligence; co-chair, Consortium
for Research on Emotional Intelligence, Rutgers University

Stanley Greenspan, M.D., child psychiatrist, author of Playground
Politics: Understanding the Emotional Life of the School-Age Child.

Asa Hilliard III, Fuller E. Callaway Professor of Urban Education,
Georgia State University; former member of the American Psychological
Association's Testing Committee Editor, Testing African American

Harold Howe II, former U.S. Commissioner of Education; Senior
Lecturer Emeritus, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Alfie Kohn, Belmont, Mass., lecturer and author, The Schools Our
Children Deserve: Moving Beyond Traditional Classrooms and Tougher

Jonathan Kozol, Byfield, Mass., author, Ordinary Resurrections:
Children in the Years of Hope, Amazing Grace and Savage Inequalities

Shirley Strum Kenny, president, State University of New York, Stony Brook

Diane Levin, professor of education, Wheelock College, author, Remote
Control Childhood

Deborah W. Meier, principal, Mission Hill School, Roxbury, Mass., and
founder, Central Park East Schools, East Harlem, New York; author,
The Power of Their Ideas: Lessons for America from a Small School in

Sonia Nieto, professor of education, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst; author, The Light in Their Eyes: Creating Multicultural
Learning Communities

Mary Pipher, psychologist and author, Reviving Ophelia: Saving the
Selves of Adolescent Girls, and The Shelter of Each Other: Rebuilding
Our Families

Alvin F. Poussaint, M.D., director, the Media Center at Judge Baker
Children's Center and clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard
Medical School Co-author, Lay My Burden Down: Unraveling Suicide and
the Mental Health Crisis Among African-Americans

David K. Scott, chancellor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Theodore R. Sizer, University Professor Emeritus, Brown University;
founder, Coalition of Essential Schools; author, Horace's School

Robert J. Sternberg, IBM Professor of Psychology and Education and
director, Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies,  and
Expertise (PACE Center), Yale University

Miren Uriarte, interim director of the Mauricio Gastón Institute for
Latino Community Development and Public Policy at the University  of
Massachusetts at Boston; author of the 2000 report, Latino Students
in Massachusetts Public Schools

Mickey VanDerwerker, co-founder of Parents Across Virginia United to
Reform SOLs (Standards of Learning), a network of over 5,000 parents;
vice-chair of the Bedford County (VA) School Board

Diana Chapman Walsh, president, Wellesley College

Thomas L. Young, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, University
of Kentucky School of Medicine; member of the American Academy of
Pediatrics Committee on School Health
Jerry P.Becker
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL  62901-4610  USA
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