From: Cayata Dixon

1 charter school too many in city 

Chicago exceeds quota, state says

By Maria Kantzavelos
Tribune staff reporter

August 8, 2001

With kids enrolled, teachers hired and just four weeks to go before school begins, 
Chicago's new charter schools do not have approval from the Illinois State Board of 
Education to open.

In effect, the board said Chicago officials were trying to put something past them--to 
open three separate charters when only two were permitted by law.

The Chicago system has 13 charter schools and is allowed 15 at most. Hoping state 
legislators would expand that number, officials approved three charter proposals when 
it had just two slots available.

One of them was the Chicago Children's Choir Charter School, which planned to offer 
education with a deep emphasis on music in a former Catholic school at 3737 S. Paulina 
St. on the Southwest Side. The other was Passages Charter School, 1447 W. Montrose 
Ave., in the Uptown neighborhood on the Far North Side, where Asian Human Services 
designed a charter to meet the needs of immigrant and refugee learners.

When the bid to obtain more charters failed, those schools tried to help the system 
solve the problem by merging into one school with two campuses, under the name Global 

So far, the state isn't buying it. Last month, the board sent back the city's charter 
proposals without reviewing them, saying the submission for the combined school was, 
"in fact, a proposal for two separate charter schools."

Now school officials are trying again to convince the board that these two 
campuses--separated by miles and by missions that seem to have little in 
common--should be approved as a single charter.

"It's a little bit nerve-wracking because it's August, but we're very confident that 
this will all be resolved and approved shortly," said Greg Richmond, who oversees 
charters for the Chicago Public Schools. "It's a challenge, but anything worth doing 
is a challenge."

Charter resubmitted

Among the criteria needed for the state to consider the merger was evidence that the 
campuses share one mission statement, one set of goals and performance standards, one 
budget and one curriculum. Last week, the system submitted a new proposal that 
Richmond believes will succeed.

Also caught in red tape is the third charter, the Lawndale Educational and Regional 
Network Charter School, whose mission is to enhance learning through small class 
sizes. Its board is headed by former state comptroller Loleta Didrickson.

Meanwhile, the sponsors of the merged schools are waiting anxiously. They cannot open 
without the state's permission.

The academy planned by the 45-year-old Chicago Children's Choir is part of a national 
project that seeks to duplicate the success of the Boys Choir of Harlem Academy in New 

"There are some kids where music is their thing and it turns them on to learning," 
said Nancy Carstedt, executive director of the Chicago Children's Choir. "It sort of 
becomes the hook to inspire kids."

Pupils will be educated in music, but teachers also will use it as a tool in other 
subjects. "We are really trying to thread music into every aspect of the day," said 
Principal Jan Yourist.

While studying history, students will learn about the music of different cultures. 
When students are learning about fractions in math class, they will also learn about 
rhythm. In science class, the physics of sound will come into play.

School for immigrants

Passages Charter School was designed as a full-service English immersion school for 
immigrant pupils, offering Latin as its foreign language and highlighting the refugee 
experience through social science and literature classes, said interim director Ralph 
Hardy. The school would offer pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade classes its first 
year, with plans to add another grade each year until 6th grade.

Administrators are aiming to work closely with families without good English who might 
struggle at traditional public schools. A full-time staff member will help people 
connect with the social services available through Asian Human Services, whose staff 
members speak 22 languages, Hardy said.

"The idea was that this school would be an anchor for these children," he said. "We 
could provide a wide range of comprehensive services for students and parents."

The groups behind the two schools did not know each other when the Chicago Board of 
Education approved their charters separately. Now they have joined to form the Global 
Vision Charter School Foundation.

"Initially it may have looked as if it were a merger based on convenience," Hardy 
said. "But there's some synergy there; it's kind of organic."

Ronald Giles, managing director for the choir academy, said the same. "Global Village 
is much more than a marriage of convenience to skirt the law," he said. "The 
similarities come in the philosophy of teaching and learning. We've agreed there is a 
commonness in the basic core curriculum."

The combined school's mission is "to provide opportunities for high quality education 
through the development of campuses dedicated to providing specialized curricula based 
on Chicago's rich multicultural heritage and world-renowned cultural, artistic and 
scientific traditions."

Charter school advocates said the scramble for state certification reflects the need 
to lift the state limit on charters, which are public schools with some freedom from 
district and state regulations.

"The demand is there," said Michael Milkie, principal of Chicago's Noble Street 
Charter School. "The most important group [parents] wants these schools and the only 
thing keeping them from getting it is purely technical, legal things."

Unlike other states, Illinois has jumped into the charter-school movement with 
caution. State law allows for 45 charter schools, 15 of them in Chicago.

Only 2 slots open

Thirteen charters now operate in the city, leaving two slots for new schools this 
fall. But the Chicago system approved three.

"There were just too many good proposals out there to ignore them," said Paul Vallas, 
the system's former CEO. "The board and the charter school advocates were pretty 
confident that the cap would be lifted."

Bringing several schools under a single charter is not unprecedented in Chicago, 
officials contend. "Having a multiple campus is legal and is happening," Richmond 
said. "The state board has approved them in the past."

Meanwhile, organizers of the schools have been moving forward with plans to open. The 
choir academy has accepted 110 applicants thus far and is seeking a total of 150; the 
campus run by Asian Human Services expects about 140 children.

Both schools have already hired their teaching staff.

"It's very worrisome for us," said Abha Pandya, executive director of Asian Human 
Services. "We're a community agency that's been in existence since 1978; our parents 
really depend on us. At this late state if they have to scramble to find a place 
elsewhere it would be hard."

Copyright (c) 2001, Chicago Tribune

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