TODAY, SECRETARY PAIGE began his national tour to promote
     educational accountability during a school visit with
     President Bush.  The press release announcing the tour is

     Also today Secretary Paige announced a new publication --
     "Back to School, Moving Forward: What No Child Left Behind
     Means for America's Families."  This is the first of 3
     brochures explaining what the President's education plan, "No
     Child Left Behind," means for parents, schools, & communities. 
     It is available in English & Spanish at the Department's new
     Back to School, Moving Forward website:

     The new website, which will be updated daily during the
     Secretary's tour, also offers...

       *  the schedule of the Secretary's tour
       *  news about the tour, including speeches & press releases
       *  links to contact information about schools near you
       *  facts about schools.

U.S. Secretary of Education begins national tour to promote
accountability in schools through family, school & community
activity during school visit with President Bush

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Aug. 15 -- President George W. Bush & U.S.
Secretary of Education Rod Paige celebrated the first day of school
at Griegos Elementary School by launching "Back to School, Moving
Forward" Secretary Paige's cross-country back-to-school tour
promoting accountability for our elementary & secondary schools. 
The president & secretary toured an elementary school with a strong
record of academic improvement & spoke with students, parents,
teachers & community leaders assembled to mark the students' first
day of school.  Secretary Paige also unveiled the first of three
back-to-school publications from the Department of Education & gave
copies to families at the school.

"President Bush introduced his vision for strengthening our system
of education during his first days in Washington, D.C.," Paige
said.  "We've made great strides since then, & as students return
to classrooms around the country, I will be working to make sure
that our families, schools & communities are ready to pursue the
far-reaching reforms that he has proposed." 

Secretary Paige, Deputy Secretary of Education William Hansen &
Under Secretary of Education Eugene W. Hickok will visit schools &
talk with civic & business groups around the country as part of the
"Back to School, Moving Forward" tour.  The tour will continue with
visits to: Atlanta; Denver; Kansas City, Mo.; Long Beach, Calif.;
Nashville, Tenn.; Orlando, Fla.; Portland, Ore.; Raleigh, N.C.; &
San Diego & will conclude on Sept. 7.

As Paige & other senior education officials visit with students &
teachers in classrooms throughout the nation, they will also meet
with business & community leaders to discuss their roles in
building an education system that holds our schools accountable for
improving the performance of all students.  As part of "Back to
School, Moving Forward," Paige will introduce parents, schools &
members of the community to three new publications from the
Department of Education that explain how each group can help to
bring accountability for results to our classrooms & improve
student performance so that no child is left behind.  The
publication unveiled at Griegos Elementary School is being released
today in English & in Spanish & tells parents how they can play a
meaningful role in improving our nation's schools.

Accountability for results is one of the four main principles of
President Bush's "No Child Left Behind" plan for comprehensive
education reform.  The other principles for reform include local
control & flexibility, expanded parental choice, & doing what

"As we start a new school year, it is time for us to reach out to
parents, educators, & community & business leaders to engage them
our plans to create a system of schools that fulfills President
Bush's promise that no child will be left behind," Paige said. 
"President Bush & I know that change must take place at the local
level, & we look to families, schools & communities to bring about
that change through high standards, annual measurement &
accountability for results.  As our children return to school to
capture the promise of new opportunities to learn & grow, we must
embrace these simple principles for reform." 

Copies of the new "Back to School, Moving Forward" publications for
families, schools & communities & information regarding "Back to
School, Moving Forward" activities will be posted on the Department
of Education web site at

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