Book Learning Labs Now!

The Museum of Science and Industry offers several carefully designed
learning labs that provide a structured experience to students, providing a
deeper level of understanding of the subject area-- and even more fun!
Learning Labs are between 75 minutes and two hours long and provide focused,
hands-on experiences for school groups planning to visit our exhibits.  All
learning labs are multi-disciplinary and are oriented to meet selected
Illinois State Goals and CPS standards.  Admission to the Museum of Science
and Industry is free to all Illinois school groups.  Call (773) 684-1414 to
book your Learning Lab today!  For additional information call, Becky
Lambert at (773) 684-9844 ext. 2075.

Current Lab offerings include:  
Imaging: Mystery at the Museum  (Grades: 4th to 7th)  
        During this 75-minute learning lab, students use techniques and
tools from forensic science to identify an unconscious woman found at the
Museum.  After watching interview clips to gather helpful information, small
groups use one of four investigative tools (microscopes, fingerprint
analysis computers, X-ray and MRI records and face aging computers) to solve
the mystery.  Each teacher attending a Mystery at the Museum Lab will
receive the Mystery teacher kit free  Capacity: 32 students        Fee: $50
per session  Offered weekdays at 10:00 and 11:30

AIDS: Fighting the War Within  (Grades: 6th to 10th) 
In this 75-minute facilitated lab, students learn about HIV and what leads
to and causes AIDS.  Students explore testing, drug therapies, prevention
and methods scientists are using to block the virus at different stages.
Social and personal impacts of the epidemic are also covered.  Capacity: 30
students  Fee: $50 per session  Offered weekdays at 10:00 and 11:30

Unique Footwear/Petroleum Planet  (Grades: 6th to 10th) 
In this 75 minute facilitated lab, students play the role of scientists in
the booming field of polymer chemistry.  Working in small groups, they will
create a polymer of glue, water and borax.  Using computerized force
sensors, students will test their polymer for density, traction and impact.
After completing the tests, students will record their findings and discuss
which polymers would be best for specific parts of an athletic shoe.
Capacity: 33 students  Fee: $50 per session  Offered weekdays at 10:00 and

Environment: Tales from the Underground  (Grades: 6th to 10th)
In this 75 minute facilitated lab, students play the role of scientists
investigating possible water contamination.  Working in small groups they
will make hypotheses about the possible pollutant after reading site reports
and viewing a 3-D town model.  They will test hydrological samples from
field investigation sites to prove or disprove their hypotheses.  After
completing the tests students will record their findings and discuss results
with the rest of the participants.  Capacity: 32 students  Fee: $50 per
session  Offered weekdays at 10:00 and 11:30

Enterprise: Ball Enterprise (7th to 12th)
In this 75 minute facilitated lab, students will use computer programs to
simulate working in marketing, finance and production departments of a
juggling ball company.  The computers are networked and each department's
actions can effect the others.  Teamwork is required to ensure the company's
success.  After completing the simulation, students will compare their
results and discuss which strategies worked the best and why.  Capacity: 36
students  Fee: $50 per session  Offered weekdays at 10:00 and 11:30

Outbreak!  (Grades: 9th to 12th) 
Opens November 12, 2001! In this 2-hour facilitated lab, students play the
role of 'disease detectives' using high-tech microbiology tools.  Working in
small groups, students use a multi-media Outbreak! computer program to
investigate case studies of a local disease outbreak.  Students then use gel
electrophoresis to compare DNA samples of known viruses with viral DNA
isolated from an outbreak victim.  After staining and visualizing their
gels, students will report their findings via e-mail to the mayor and
propose a plan to control the outbreak. Capacity: 32 students  Fee: $100 per
session  Offered weekdays at 10:00

Please call at least one month in advance to book your Learning Lab.  Labs
cancelled with less than two weeks notice may not be refunded.

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