>From <http://www.fdncenter.org/pnd/current/004396.html>

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Awards $12 Million to Improve Chicago High

The Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a five-year,
$12 million grant in support of an initiative to improve several Chicago
high schools by splitting them into smaller units.

The $18.2 million effort calls for converting four to six large neighborhood
high schools into 15 to 20 smaller ones of no more than 450 students each
over five years. High schools will be invited to submit proposals for
conversion into small schools. Once selected, groups can then apply to
create small schools at these sites and will have a year to plan the
changes. The schools will be encouraged to rethink fundamental practices,
such as staffing, scheduling, assessment, governance, budget, and parental
and community involvement.

Chicago foundations intend to raise $6.2 million to augment the Gates
commitment, including the Chicago Community Trust, the Joyce Foundation, the
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Polk Bros. Foundation, the
Spencer Foundation, and the Steans Family Foundation. The initiative will be
directed by a board appointed by the mayor, the Chicago Board of Education,
and local foundations. The grants will be deposited into a fund coordinated
by the Chicago Community Trust, which will work with the city, the Chicago
Public Schools, and the foundations to determine how the money will be

"Experience in Chicago and other cities has shown that students learn more
in smaller high schools, they have better attendance, and they're less
likely to drop out," said Mayor Richard M. Daley. "These generous grants
could lead to dramatic changes in our high schools and significant increases
in student achievement."

The Gates Foundation is funding "small-schools" efforts in Oakland, New
York, Cincinnati, St. Paul, and throughout Washington state.

"Daley announces major program to create smaller high schools." Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation Press Release. 08/30/01.


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