From: Cayata Dixon

Many schools pull plug on recess 

Lack of playtime generates debate

By Bonnie Miller Rubin
Tribune staff reporter

September 27, 2001

With the whiff of autumn in the morning air, a small knot of girls gathers on the 
playground before the day starts at Pritzker Elementary School in Chicago. Their next 
chance to chat outside will be at 3 p.m., when school is dismissed.

In between will be lesson after lesson--but no recess.

"Sometimes, it's just really hard to sit so long," said Hannah Harrison, a 5th grader 
at the Wicker Park school. "You just want to be free."

Throughout the metropolitan area and across the nation, the tradition of recess has 
been quietly disappearing. The phenomenon started building in the 1990s and then 
picked up momentum as increased academic demands put a time squeeze on the school day.

The American Association for the Child's Right to Play estimates that 40 percent of 
schools in the United States have either cut recess or are considering doing so. The 
Atlanta system banned it altogether and has been building elementary schools without 

The problem with that, many child development experts say, is kids are not wired to 
sit for hours at their desks. They say kids learn best with frequent breaks. Cutting 
back on physical activity also sends the wrong message when childhood obesity is at 
epidemic proportions, the experts say.

"This is an example of good intentions gone awry," said Paul Houston, executive 
director of the American Association of School Administrators. "There's huge pressure 
these days on superintendents and boards to show that they're serious about 
achievement, so they do something symbolic--they get rid of recess."

Advocates argue that unstructured free play nurtures the imagination and helps 
children acquire social skills--such as cooperation and conflict resolution--that 
cannot be duplicated at soccer practice or Little League, said Alan Simpson of the 
National Association for the Education of Young Children.

"There's an alarming mind-set out there that says recess is negotiable ... that we 
should cut out everything except academics, but for young kids, learning is embedded 
into everything they do," he said. "When these kids are 10th graders and can't get 
along with their classmates, then we'll discover that there's nothing frivolous about 

For years, the typical elementary school schedule included a 15-minute respite in 
midmorning, and 45 to 50 minutes at lunch, split between eating and playing outside.

Illinois has no state policy on recess. But calls to more than two dozen suburbs 
indicate that after 2nd grade it has become common for kids to wait until lunch for 
their first break.

A recent Chicago Reporter survey indicated that four in five public elementary schools 
in Chicago don't have recess at all, a fact that saddens Bill Harrison, Hannah's 

"It's just one more bit of childhood that's been lost," he said.

Glen Ellyn officials discovered how deeply feelings can run on the topic in June, when 
they decided to ax recess to make more time for art and music. After parents crowded 
into a meeting to complain, the district quickly reversed itself, promising instead to 
review the practice this year.

Schools under pressure

But for administrators faced with a growing list of priorities, from foreign language 
classes to creative writing programs, the challenge remains how to shoehorn it all 
into the school day.

"It's really not about recess. It's about time management," said Chris Dransoff, 
principal of Lincoln School in Glen Ellyn. "We keep adding and adding and we don't 
take anything away.... We're trying to be all things to all people, and it's an 
impossible task."

At schools where many students struggle academically, the pressure is even greater.

"You take away that extra 45 minutes and ... you lose a lot of important instructional 
time," said John Katzberger, assistant principal at Hamline School in Chicago's Back 
of the Yards neighborhood, where 99 percent of the children are from low-income 

In south suburban Hazel Crest, which clipped recess for its four elementary schools 
and one middle school, Supt. Harry Reynolds said he is sold on the importance of play, 
"but ultimately we will be judged on ... how well-prepared these kids are to go out 
into the world."

Besides, some argue, the need for students to release pent-up energy is not so crucial 
as it once was, thanks to a shift in instructional methods.

"Kids are no longer in their seats, lined up in rows ... there's a lot more 
flexibility and movement in the class," said Barbara Hiller, assistant superintendent 
of Evanston-Skokie District 65, adding that the state also mandates daily physical 
education. "Their physical activity needs have really been taken care of."

10-minute break

Still, at least one Chicago principal chose this year to reinstate a short breather. 
Gladys Vaccarezza added a 10-minute break at Blaine Elementary in Lakeview so kids 
could "stop and smell the flowers," she said. "There is no question that we have a lot 
to do, but when the mind is refreshed, you can accomplish more."

Shana Trombley, a mother of two preschoolers, said any schools without a regularly 
scheduled break are automatically crossed off her list.

"It's a shame because ... we've had to rule out some otherwise good places," said 
Trombley, who lives in Chicago's Ravenswood neighborhood. "I'm concerned with the 
whole child ... and if we can't do that, then we need to go back to the drawing board."

Copyright (c) 2001, Chicago Tribune

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